Glendon Campus: Avoid slips, trips and falls during snowy weather and while working remotely

Glendon Campus in the winter
Glendon Campus

Slips, trips and falls are among the most common types of workplace injuries. As temperatures drop and snow flies, the number of injuries due to these accidents tends to increase.

Anyone can slip, trip or fall on level ground and winter’s wet and icy conditions make the likelihood greater. It is important to be continually aware of the dangers and to walk safely on ice and slippery surfaces. See the tips from Health, Safety and Employee Well-Being in these PDF posters that are available to download, on how to prevent injury from slips, trips and falls.

Glendon Campus English poster

Glendon Campus French poster

In addition, York University’s Facilities Services partners are taking a number of steps for snow removal on campus. To learn more about how they are keeping the campus safe by keeping snow off the grounds, visit the Facilities Services website.

This year, once again many community members are continuing to work remotely or are working in a hybrid model where they are working from the campus part of the time. It is important to remember that slips, trips and falls don’t just happen at the workplace – they can happen at home too. When staff and faculty are working from home, their environment doesn’t have the same safety standards that are in place at work. They’re at risk of tripping over household objects like toys, slipping on water spilled from the dog’s bowl, or even falling down the stairs. Below are some safety tips to prevent slips, trips and falls at home:

  • Keep walkways clear of clutter and debris to prevent trips at home.
  • Keep the house well lit and make sure cords are safely secured.
  • Avoid distractions, like texting on phone, while walking.
  • Avoid slippery socks to prevent slips by wearing proper footwear, even inside the home.
  • Clean up spills, as well as mud or water tracked in on shoes, immediately.
  • Turn on the lights and use a handrail when going up or down the stairs to prevent falls down the stairs.
  • Avoid trying to carry too much – leave one hand free to catch yourself if you stumble.
  • Use a stable stool to reach for items above the shoulder.
  • Pay attention to the surroundings. No environment is as familiar as a person’s own home.
  • Keep work area clear of distractions to avoid getting injured.

In the event of a slip, trip or fall during the course of your work, report it to your management supervisor or academic leader immediately for documenting, reporting and investigation, as needed. Also, when on campus, remember to report any areas that may be of concern, before anyone slips, trips or falls.

Keele Campus: Avoid slips, trips and falls during snowy weather and while working remotely

campus winter vignette

Slips, trips and falls are among the most common types of workplace injuries. As temperatures drop and snow flies, the number of injuries due to these accidents tends to increase.

Anyone can slip, trip or fall on level ground and winter’s wet and icy conditions make the likelihood greater. It is important to be continually aware of the dangers and to walk safely on ice and slippery surfaces. See the tips from Health, Safety and Employee Well-Being in these PDF posters that are available to download, on how to prevent injury from slips, trips and falls.

Keele Campus English poster

Keele Campus French poster

In addition, York University’s Facilities Services partners are taking a number of steps for snow removal on campus. To learn more about how they are keeping the campus safe by keeping snow off the grounds, visit the Facilities Services website.

This year, once again many community members are continuing to work remotely or are working in a hybrid model where they are working from the campus part of the time. It is important to remember that slips, trips and falls don’t just happen at the workplace – they can happen at home too. When staff and faculty are working from home, their environment doesn’t have the same safety standards that are in place at work. They’re at risk of tripping over household objects like toys, slipping on water spilled from the dog’s bowl, or even falling down the stairs. Below are some safety tips to prevent slips, trips and falls at home:

  • Keep walkways clear of clutter and debris to prevent trips at home.
  • Keep the house well lit and make sure cords are safely secured.
  • Avoid distractions, like texting on phone, while walking.
  • Avoid slippery socks to prevent slips by wearing proper footwear, even inside the home.
  • Clean up spills, as well as mud or water tracked in on shoes, immediately.
  • Turn on the lights and use a handrail when going up or down the stairs to prevent falls down the stairs.
  • Avoid trying to carry too much – leave one hand free to catch yourself if you stumble.
  • Use a stable stool to reach for items above the shoulder.
  • Pay attention to the surroundings. No environment is as familiar as a person’s own home.
  • Keep work area clear of distractions to avoid getting injured.

In the event of a slip, trip or fall during the course of your work, report it to your management supervisor or academic leader immediately for documenting, reporting and investigation, as needed. Also, when on campus, remember to report any areas that may be of concern, before anyone slips, trips or falls.

President Rhonda Lenton outlines York University’s sustainability goals

Photo by Tobias Weinhold on Unsplash

The University will expand the Office of Sustainability to help achieve net-zero sooner, and a significant reduction of direct and indirect emissions by 45 per cent by 2030.

Dear York community members:

There is no more pressing global priority than the need to embrace a more sustainable way of living. Through our teaching, our research and our own practices, York University has contributed substantially to our understanding of sustainability best practices which are as much about what we do as what we are purposely choosing not to do.

At the same time, we know that more needs to be done, and so, we are investing resources to drive and expand innovative initiatives in the next phase of our Sustainability Strategy, enhancing the ability of our community of changemakers to deliver.

I am pleased to share with you York’s ambitious plans for sustainability, which include achieving net-zero and significantly reducing the University’s direct and indirect emissions by 45 per cent by 2030. We will bolster this commitment by expanding the Office of Sustainability and by investing $1 million to advance sustainable innovation. You can read more in the full announcement.

York is committed to driving positive change for our local and global communities, and sustainability is a core value that is at the heart of everything we strive for. Together we are taking the action needed for future generations, the planet and for ourselves.

Today is an important new chapter for the next phase of our Sustainability Strategy and I invite all members of our community to get actively engaged both in the University’s evolving plans and activities, as well as off-campus opportunities, as we seek to affirm our commitment to live and work more sustainably. Consultations regarding the Sustainability Strategy are in process and regular updates will be posted in the months to come.


Rhonda Lenton
President and Vice-Chancellor

La présidente et vice-chancelière Rhonda Lenton décrit l’objectif net zéro de York

Chers membres de la communauté de York,

La nécessité d’adopter un mode de vie plus durable est la priorité mondiale la plus pressante. Grâce à son enseignement, ses recherches et ses pratiques, l’Université York a considérablement amélioré la compréhension des pratiques exemplaires en matière de développement durable qui concernent aussi bien ce que nous faisons que ce que nous choisissons délibérément de ne pas faire.

Nous savons toutefois qu’il reste encore beaucoup à faire. C’est pourquoi nous investissons des ressources pour stimuler et développer des initiatives innovantes dans la prochaine phase de notre stratégie de durabilité, améliorant ainsi la capacité de notre communauté d’artisans du changement à tenir ses promesses.

J’ai le plaisir de partager avec vous les plans ambitieux de York en matière de développement durable, qui prévoient d’atteindre la neutralité carbone et de réduire considérablement les émissions directes et indirectes de l’Université de 45 % d’ici 2030. Nous renforcerons cet engagement en élargissant le Bureau de la durabilité et en investissant un million de dollars pour faire progresser l’innovation durable. Apprenez-en plus en lisant la version intégrale de l’annonce.

York s’engage à susciter des changements positifs pour nos communautés locales et mondiales, et la durabilité est une valeur centrale de tous nos efforts. Ensemble, nous prenons les mesures nécessaires pour les générations futures, pour la planète et pour nous-mêmes.

Cette journée marque un nouveau chapitre important pour la prochaine phase de notre stratégie de durabilité. J’invite tous les membres de notre communauté à s’engager activement dans les plans et activités de l’Université et au-delà des campus, tandis que nous nous efforçons d’affirmer notre engagement envers une vie et un travail plus durables. Des consultations sur la stratégie de durabilité sont en cours et des mises à jour régulières seront publiées dans les mois à venir.

Sincères salutations,

Rhonda Lenton
Présidente et vice-chancelière

Take Our Kids to Work Day returns Nov. 2

Students huddled around a laptop

York University is participating in the annual Take Our Kids to Work program (TOKTW), initiated by The Learning Partnership. This is an annual event when Grade 9 students step into their future and get a glimpse into the working world, as well as document their experience in a final report for their teacher. The 2022 TOKTW day is set for Nov. 2.

Participation is open to all University community members / York sponsors and their grade 9 students – we encourage those who can, to join us!

Why support the TOKTW Day initiative?

  • TOKTW bridges the gap between the workplace and young people by introducing skills and knowledge they will need for the future careers.
  • TOKTW allows employers to explain to students’ what skills are most important in the workplace – communication, teamwork, time management and more!
  • The program gives employers a chance to promote their industry and professionals within it so that they can attract future specialists in their fields. It also gives students a glimpse into different fields that they may be interested in.
  • TOKTW supports York University’s collaboration with the TD Community Engagement Centre, committed to building a more engaged university and maintain interest of the surrounding community as an Anchor Institution.

What students can expect.

  • Students attending in person will join a guided tour to participating faculties and departments, followed by a luncheon, concluding with students attending their York sponsors workplace for the remainder of the day.
  • Students attending virtually will engage with panellists within various areas of interest, have the opportunity for questions and discussion.

Registration and event instructions

  • Any student interested in participating may use the link below to register for the sessions they wish to attend virtually.
  • Please register no later than Nov. 1. Registration can be completed by following this link.

Volunteers needed for York Spirit Day, Oct. 19

SpiritDay Day 2022 Rollout Featured image for YFile announcement of event

Do you want to be a special part of York University’s inaugural Spirit Day class photo?
Are you an active member of the community?
Can you hold a item of 30 pounds for a short period without assistance?
Are you available to be at the Keele Campus on Wednesday, Oct. 19, at 11 a.m.? Or the Glendon Campus on Wednesday, Oct. 19 at 3 p.m.?

If you answered yes to the above questions, please fill out the form below for your chance to be chosen as an inaugural York University Spirit Day Class Photo Ambassador.

York University Spirit Day Class Photo Ambassadors – Keele Campus form:

York University Spirit Day, 2022 Class Photo Ambassadors – Glendon Campus form:

York University hosting two community safety days, Oct. 18 and 20

Students stand outside of Vari Hall on York's Keele Campus

York University will be hosting Community Safety Days on Oct. 18 and 20. The events are an important part of the University’s ongoing safety awareness programming.

Community Safety Days highlight all the resources and groups that contribute to building a safer community at York University, which has a wide array of safety-related services.

To learn more about safety and the many resources available at York University, community members are invited to drop by Vari Hall at the Keele Campus between 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. on Oct. 18, or the Centre for Excellence at the Glendon Campus between 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. on Oct. 20.

Presented by the Community Safety Department, these events are part of the department’s mission is to ensure that York University continues to be a safe and welcoming place to study, work and live. The Community Safety Department approaches campus safety through a community-centric, holistic and intersectional lens, where everyone plays a role in safety and where individual contributions and initiatives play a vital role in promoting safety. Community engagement is a cornerstone of safety.

Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to download the York Safety App, which offers immediate access to all the University’s safety resources.

Show your York U pride at Spirit Day, Oct. 19

SpiritDay Day 2022 Rollout Featured image for YFile announcement of event

Spirit Day is an opportunity to make new friends, have fun and learn more about the ways you can get and stay connected to York University. Get ready to show off your #YUSpirit!

All students, staff, faculty members and course instructors are invited to join President and Vice-Chancellor Rhonda Lenton to celebrate the importance of making connections. Get ready to show your York U pride by donning York University colours (red, white or blue) and connect with us for a day of games, giveaways and treats. Participate in a tree planting activity and learn more about the ways you can get and stay connected at York.

For more information about upcoming events or to submit an event, visit:

Keele Campus
The Harry W. Arthur Commons
Wednesday, Oct. 19
11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Glendon Campus
Centre of Excellence
Wednesday, Oct. 19
11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Affichez les couleurs de York le mercredi 19 octobre!

Tous les membres de la communauté étudiante, du personnel, du corps professoral ainsi que les chargés de cours sont invités à se joindre à la présidente Rhonda Lenton pour souligner l’importance d’établir des liens. Préparez-vous à montrer votre fierté à l’égard de l’Université York en affichant ses couleurs (rouge, blanc ou bleu) lors d’une journée remplie de jeux, de prix et de friandises. Participez à une activité de plantation d’arbres et apprenez-en davantage sur les façons d’établir des liens à York.

Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements sur les événements à venir ou pour soumettre un événement, veuillez consulter le site Web :

Campus Keele
Harry W. Arthur Commons
Mercredi 19 octobre 2022
De 11 h à 15 h

Campus Glendon
Mercredi 19 octobre 2022
Centre d’excellence
De 11 h à 14 h