Résolution envers des changements positifs et un avenir solide pour l’Université York

York U Forward Action Plan

Chers collègues, chères collègues,

Beaucoup d’entre vous ont sans doute lu l’annonce du lancement du plan d’action En avant York  dans YFile. Cette initiative pluriannuelle cruciale contribuera à assurer le succès continu de notre établissement en tant qu’université d’enseignement et de recherche de premier plan consacrée à l’amélioration du bien-être des communautés que nous servons.

À l’instar de nombreux autres établissements de l’Ontario, nous sommes confrontés à des défis importants en raison d’une série de facteurs externes, notamment le gel des droits de scolarité, le plafonnement des visas pour les étudiants internationaux, l’inflation et les effets persistants de la pandémie. Parallèlement, les besoins, les intérêts et les attentes de la population étudiante ne cessent d’évoluer. Ce plan d’action trace la voie à suivre pour assurer notre viabilité financière de manière à répondre à ces changements et maintenir l’élan que nous avons pris pour réaliser la vision audacieuse de York pour l’avenir.

Notre succès dépend de l’engagement collectif de notre communauté. Nous devons passer à l’action rapidement et de façon judicieuse. Cette initiative nous oblige à nous concerter, de manière différente et créative, pour redéfinir ce que l’Université peut accomplir.

Le chemin à parcourir ne sera pas toujours facile, mais il est nécessaire. En étant transparents au sujet des défis à surmonter, nous pourrons atteindre un consensus et aller de l’avant avec les changements nécessaires si nous voulons continuer à répondre aux besoins de notre population étudiante et de la société. En adoptant ce plan, nous garantissons que notre université reste pertinente et influente.

J’encourage chaque membre de notre communauté à lire les informations contenues dans YFile et à s’engager dans le plan d’action En avant York. Votre engagement est primordial tandis que nous gérons ensemble ce processus transformateur. Nos idées nouvelles, notre ouverture au changement et nos efforts de collaboration nous conduiront vers une Université York plus forte et plus résiliente.

Merci pour votre dévouement et votre soutien indéfectible.

Rhonda Lenton
Présidente et vice-chancelière

Committing to positive change and a strong future for York University

York U Forward Action Plan

Voir la version française

Dear colleagues,

Many of you will have read about the launch of the York U Forward Action Plan in this morning’s YFile – a crucial multi-year initiative that will help to ensure our University’s continued success as a leading teaching and research university committed to enhancing the well-being of the communities we serve.

Along with many other institutions in Ontario, we are facing significant challenges due to a range of external factors including a tuition freeze, international student visa caps, inflation and the lingering effects of the pandemic. At the same time, the needs, interests and expectations of students are changing. This action plan provides a path forward for financial sustainability in ways that will continue to respond to those changes and maintain the momentum that we have achieved towards realizing York’s bold vision for the future.

Our success hinges on the collective engagement of our entire community. We must act thoughtfully and without delay. This initiative requires us to think together, differently and creatively, to redefine what our University can achieve.

The path ahead may not always be easy, but it is necessary. Transparency around the challenges we face will help us reach consensus and move forward with the changes that are required if we are to continue to meet the needs of our students and of society. By embracing this plan, we are ensuring that our University remains relevant and impactful.

I encourage every member of our community to read the information in YFile and engage with the York U Forward Action Plan. Your commitment is crucial as we navigate this transformative process together. Our fresh ideas, openness to change and collaborative efforts will lead us to a stronger, more resilient York University.

Thank you for your dedication and unwavering support.

Rhonda Lenton
President and Vice-Chancellor

York U Forward Action Plan website launches

York U Forward Action Plan

A new website outlines initiatives and opportunities for the community to create a path to a financially sustainable university of the future.

At the April 10 town hall, York University President and Vice-Chancellor Rhonda Lenton provided an overview of the initiatives the University is undertaking in order to address current financial pressures while ensuring York U continues to grow as a top-ranked international teaching and research university committed to enhancing the well-being of the communities it serves.

The York U Forward Action Plan is a multi-year strategy consisting of 17 projects divided into three important streams: Program Enhancement and Sustainability; Enrolment Recovery; and Administrative Projects. York U, like many institutions, has been managing financial challenges due to a number of external factors that have led to lower enrolment and lower revenues. The action plan will find new and creative ways to boost revenue and reduce costs.

“Recent unexpected policy decisions at both the provincial and federal levels have heightened the urgency in working together in a transparent and collegial way to ensure that we transform these challenges into new opportunities to accelerate the momentum that York has created over the last number of years towards realizing our vision and priorities,” emphasizes Lenton. “The needs, interests, and expectations of students and of society are changing. The York U Forward Action Plan, while essential for the financial sustainability of the institution, also creates the potential for us to align our efforts with those changes to better serve society and enhance our impact.”

As the University seeks to align its administrative and academic expenditures with enrolment and enrolment revenue, it has already introduced a number of cost-containment initiatives that will contribute directly to the deficit reduction targets, as outlined in the three-year budget plan approved on April 30 by the Board of Governors.

Steps already taken include reduced spending on travel, hospitality, and professional development, along with postponed and essential hiring only. Earlier this month, the University took steps to reduce the total compensation packages for management (i.e. CPM) and senior executives (i.e. president and vice-presidents) over the next year by 3.6 per cent, with projected savings of approximately $5 million. The University is prepared to take similar steps in subsequent years if needed to support the institution’s financial sustainability.

The action plan is moving forward with initiatives such as a new pathway program for students building their English language proficiency, a collegial Forum on Student Retention and promotion of accelerated degree formats for international students, all of which exemplify York’s proactive approach to enhancing program offerings and student support.

The action plan also includes a variety of collaborative efforts to enhance student housing options, increase our attraction to out-of-province domestic students, and identify software licences that are duplicative or redundant.

Work is just beginning to mobilize the community behind the action plan. Looking ahead, York University is gearing up to launch several key initiatives, with ongoing community engagement and updates planned to keep faculty and staff informed and involved. Discussions on campus optimization and potential new programs underscore the University’s commitment to strategic growth and innovation.

“This is a pivotal moment for the entire York University community,” stresses Provost and Vice-President Academic Lisa Philipps. “It demands our full engagement to envision the future of York. Together, we will overcome the current challenges and build an even more impactful University for the generations of students to come.”

As the York U Forward Action Plan unfolds, the University community is encouraged to actively participate in this transformative journey. Through collaboration and adaptability, York University aims to realize its vision and maintain its position as a leader in higher education.

University wraps up Service Excellence Program Office 

Keele campus pond

York University’s Service Excellence Program (SEP) wraps up after four transformative years, in response to current fiscal conditions.

York University established the SEP in 2020 to uphold its vision for service excellence and enhance administrative services. Designed as a multi-year initiative, the program aimed to embed a culture of continuous improvement across the University.   

Over the past four years, the SEP has attained that goal, achieving significant milestones, including streamlining purchasing and payments, expense reimbursement, staff recruiting and hiring, and service request ticketing. These enhancements have made work processes simpler, faster and more efficient. The program also spearheaded the creation of the University Services Centre (USC), a shared services centre that provides a single point of contact for high-volume administrative tasks. The USC now includes specialized teams in Finance, Human Resources and University Information Technology. It has also implemented numerous process improvements in response to community members’ feedback and recommendations.  

As the SEP evolved, there was careful consideration of how best to sustain these improvements within the University’s structure. York, like many institutions, has been managing financial pressures amidst reduced revenues and multi-year deficit reduction targets, as outlined in the three-year budget plan approved on April 30 by the Board of Governors. In light of these budget considerations, the decision was made to conclude the SEP by the end of October. This includes phasing out roles in the program’s central operational team. This is part of a broader effort to streamline administrative activities based on data-driven insights and community consensus. 

At the April 10 town hall, President and Vice-Chancellor Rhonda Lenton shared with the community an overview of the University’s action plan to continue to advance the University Academic Plan and achieve financial sustainability. The action plan consists of 17 projects divided into three important streams: Program Enhancement and Sustainability; Enrolment Recovery; and Administrative Projects.  

The SEP has laid the foundation for the additional improvements that will stem from the action plan, each one guided by a functional lead responsible for administrative services. The USC will maintain its leadership role in facilitating continuous improvement in high-volume administrative services. 

“While change can be challenging, transitioning responsibility for service excellence to the functional leads reflects the University’s balanced approach to cost containment and long-term financial sustainability,” acknowledges Provost and VP Academic Lisa Philipps. “We are grateful to the SEP operational team for their efforts over the years and look forward to ongoing improvements that will benefit our community.” 

The decision to wind down the SEP Office at this time underscores York’s commitment to optimizing resources in response to fiscal constraints, while maintaining its commitment to service excellence and improving the well-being of the communities served by York University. 

Synopsis of most recent meeting of Senate

Vari hall

The synopsis of the 708th meeting of the Senate of York University, held on June 27, is now available.

A PDF copy of the synopsis is available to view.

Osgoode professor recognized for governance leadership

Business meeting group discussion Shutterstock

Osgoode Hall Law School Professor Poonam Puri has been inducted as a fellow of the Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD), a prestigious organization dedicated to governance excellence, in recognition of her governance leadership in Canada.

Poonam Puri
Poonam Puri

Created in in 1997, the ICD Fellowship Award – the organization’s highest honour – is presented annually to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to Canadian enterprises and not-for-profit organizations by bringing strong corporate governance leadership to boardrooms across the country.

Since the award was launched, only 108 Canadian governance leaders have received it, earning Puri a very exclusive spot and representing another milestone in an already accomplished career.

Since Puri joined Osgoode in 1997, at the age of 25, she has taught and produced significant scholarly research on corporate accountability and responsibility, directors’ duties and diversity in leadership, among other areas of research leadership in corporate law and governance. She has received $5 million in external research and program funding.

Puri co-founded and served as academic director of the Osgoode Investor Protection Clinic and the Living Research Lab, a clinic that both provides pro bono legal assistance to individuals who have suffered financial harm and collects real-time data for scholarly research. She is also the founder and director of the Professional LLM in Business Law at Osgoode Professional Development.

In addition to being a former associate dean of research, graduate studies and institutional relations, she is also currently the Chair of York University’s Senate. In 2023, she was named a Tier 1 York Research Chair in Corporate Governance, Investor Protection and Financial Markets, allowing her to continue her research leadership, delving deep into projects on environmental, social, and governance issues and their backlash, as well as corporate governance and artificial intelligence.

The ICD Fellowship Award is only the latest award in Puri’s career, as she has been previously recognized with the Governance Professionals of Canada Peter Dey Governance Achievement Award, the Attorney General of Ontario’s David Walter Mundell Medal, the Royal Society of Canada’s Yvan Allaire Medal and the Law Society of Ontario’s Law Society Medal, among other distinctions. She has also previously been named one of Canada’s Top 25 Most Influential Lawyers and one of Canada’s Top 40 under 40 leaders.

In the community, Puri currently serves on multiple boards, including the Canada Infrastructure Bank and Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital – the latter as Chair. She has previously served as a commissioner of the Ontario Securities Commission and on the boards of the Women’s College Hospital and the Greater Toronto Airport Authority (Pearson Airport), among others.

Further information about her career and recognitions can be found on the Osgoode Hall Law School website.

Actioning the University’s three-year budget plan approved by the Board of Governors

Aerial view of York Keele campus summer

Voir la version française

At a town hall on Monday, June 10, the York University president and senior leaders will be walking through the recently approved three-year budget plan. The board-approved plan is the result of prudent forecasting, sector analysis and community input. It outlines institutional priorities that recognize the significant budget challenges facing York University, and most other institutions across Ontario, and highlights opportunities for addressing them.  

Over the past several years, the University has worked diligently to advance the priorities in the Senate-approved University Academic Plan 2020-2025: Building a Better Future. By taking advantage of emerging opportunities in a rapidly changing higher education landscape, the University has continued to invest in its growth as a leading institution in post-secondary education, laying a strong foundation for its financial stability. Careful scenario planning also facilitated the University’s ability to mitigate much of the consequences throughout the pandemic, including the closing of borders around the world and the rapid shift to online education.

Nonetheless, the longer-term impact of COVID-19 in combination with other global shifts in population growth and student mobility, and the more recent cap on international students imposed by the federal government, have significantly disrupted the higher education sector. This has resulted in lower enrolment at the undergraduate and graduate levels in 2023-24, which will impact subsequent years. Additionally, in Ontario, the government’s tuition freeze extension through to at least 2026-27 has further reduced revenue in the sector, compelling the University to reconcile its expenditures with declining student numbers and revenue.

The combined impact of these factors, exacerbated by the recent labour disruption and Bill 124 reopener settlements, has created a critical financial situation for the University that is only partially addressed through the carry forward accumulated over the past several years. The University must close an operating gap of no less than $30 million in 2024-25, $80 million next year and $90 million the following year. The cumulative shortfall, if unaddressed, threatens to put the University in a negative financial position by 2026-27.

The University remains focused on providing a high-quality, research-intensive learning environment committed to strengthening the well-being of the communities it serves. The collective efforts of faculty, staff, instructors and students, together with investment from the government, donors and partners, continue to support the realization of this vision. Factors contributing directly to the University’s positive momentum include enhanced scholarships and the development of new services and programs to meet the needs of students and employers; the opportunity to recruit additional students to the Markham Campus; the positive impact the proposed medical school is already having on York’s reputation; and research successes like the Connected Minds initiative, the recent NSERC CREATE grant to study geomagnetic storms and a grant from the province of Ontario to study sustainable research technologies.

This progress is reflected in global and national rankings. For example, the University climbed more than 100 spots in the recent QS Sustainability Rankings, placing 118th out of more than 1,400 institutions globally, and was recognized as a greenest and top diversity employer in Canada

The road ahead

Nevertheless, swift, decisive action is needed for the University to align expenditures with the reduction in enrolment revenue. To do so with minimum impact on the University and its community, continued investment in future growth is imperative, including program enhancement and development, pedagogical innovation such as online and flexible delivery, strategic enrolment management (SEM), research, innovation and commercialization, while also streamlining administrative overhead and diversifying revenue sources.

Along with embedding additional contingencies into budgets that reflect the increasing uncertainty in higher education, recent cost-saving measures include reducing discretionary operating expenses such as travel and hospitality; deferring renovations; and consolidating academic units. The University remains steadfast in its commitment to control costs and prioritize strategic initiatives that will help maintain its positive trajectory and continue to strengthen its impact and reputation among global universities.

The University has identified 17 further actions to guide these efforts. Next steps include consolidating working groups tasked with leading these initiatives and establishing targets and benchmarks to measure progress. Along with actively engaging the Board of Governors, Senate and union partners, the president is inviting the entire University community to participate in a town hall on Monday, June 10. This is one of a number of identified opportunities to discuss the budget and action plan.

The collaborative effort of the whole of the University community will be crucial in defining and implementing the best possible recovery plan, ensuring York University continues to thrive for future generations.

Mise en œuvre du plan budgétaire triennal de l’Université approuvé par le conseil d’administration

Aerial view of York Keele campus summer

Lors de la conversation communautaire du lundi 10 juin, la présidente et la haute direction présenteront le plan budgétaire triennal qui vient d’être approuvé par le conseil d’administration. Ce plan est le fruit de prévisions prudentes, d’analyses sectorielles et de contributions de la communauté. Il décrit les priorités institutionnelles prenant en compte les défis budgétaires importants auxquels York et la plupart des autres établissements ontariens sont confrontés et présente des moyens d’y remédier. 

Au cours des dernières années, York s’est efforcée de faire avancer les priorités du Plan académique de l’Université 2020-2025 : Bâtir un avenir meilleur, qui a été approuvé par le Sénat. En tirant parti de possibilités émergentes dans un contexte d’enseignement supérieur en rapide évolution, l’Université n’a cessé d’investir dans sa croissance en tant qu’établissement de premier plan dans l’enseignement postsecondaire et a établi des fondements solides pour sa stabilité financière. Une planification minutieuse lui a également permis de mitiger de nombreuses difficultés tout au long de la pandémie, notamment la fermeture des frontières dans le monde entier et le passage rapide à l’enseignement en ligne.

Néanmoins, l’impact à long terme de la COVID-19, combiné à d’autres changements mondiaux en matière de croissance démographique et de mobilité étudiante, et le plafond récent imposé par le gouvernement fédéral aux étudiants internationaux, ont sérieusement perturbé le secteur de l’enseignement supérieur, entraînant une baisse des inscriptions aux premier et deuxième cycles en 2023-2024, ce qui engendrera des répercussions dans les années à venir. Par ailleurs, en Ontario, la prolongation par le gouvernement du gel des droits de scolarité jusqu’à au moins 2026-2027 a réduit davantage les recettes du secteur, obligeant l’Université à concilier ses dépenses avec une réduction du nombre d’étudiants et une baisse des recettes.

L’impact combiné de ces facteurs, exacerbé par l’interruption de travail récente et la réouverture des négociations salariales liées au projet de loi 124, a engendré pour l’Université une situation financière critique, qui n’est que partiellement résolue par le report cumulé des dernières années. Elle doit combler un déficit de fonctionnement non négligeable de 30 M$ en 2024-2025, 80 M$ en 2025-2026 et 90 M$ en 2026-2027. Si ce déficit cumulé n’est pas comblé, l’Université risque de se trouver dans une situation financière négative d’ici 2026-2027.

L’Université York reste déterminée à offrir un environnement d’apprentissage de haute qualité et axé sur la recherche tout en renforçant le bien-être des communautés qu’elle dessert. Les efforts collectifs des corps professoral et enseignant, du personnel et de la population étudiante, ainsi que les investissements du gouvernement, des donateurs et des partenaires continuent à appuyer la réalisation de cette vision. De nombreux facteurs contribuent directement à cet élan positif comme l’augmentation des bourses et la mise en place de nouveaux services et programmes pour répondre aux besoins des étudiants et des employeurs, la possibilité de recruter plus d’étudiants sur le campus Markham, l’incidence positive que le projet d’école de médecine a déjà sur la réputation de l’Université et les succès de la recherche comme l’initiative Connected Minds, la récente subvention CREATE du CRSNG pour étudier les orages géomagnétiques et une subvention de la province de l’Ontario pour étudier les technologies de recherche durables.

Ces progrès se reflètent dans les palmarès mondiaux et nationaux. L’Université a notamment gagné plus de 100 places dans le récent classement QS sur le développement durable, se classant 118e sur plus de 1 400 établissements du monde entier, et York a été reconnue comme un employeur écologique et favorable à la diversité au Canada. 

Le chemin qui reste à parcourir

Des mesures rapides et décisives doivent néanmoins être prises pour que York aligne ses dépenses sur la réduction des recettes provenant des inscriptions. Pour y parvenir avec un impact minimal sur l’Université et sa communauté, il est impératif de continuer à investir dans la croissance future, notamment dans l’amélioration et le développement des programmes, l’innovation pédagogique, y compris l’enseignement en ligne et flexible, la gestion stratégique des inscriptions (SEM), la recherche, l’innovation et la commercialisation, tout en rationalisant les frais généraux administratifs et en diversifiant les sources de revenus.

Outre l’intégration de provisions supplémentaires dans les budgets pour tenir compte de l’incertitude croissante dans l’enseignement supérieur, les mesures d’économie récentes comprennent la réduction des dépenses de fonctionnement discrétionnaires comme les dépenses de voyage et de représentation, le report des rénovations et la consolidation des unités d’enseignement. L’Université maintient son engagement à contrôler les coûts et à donner la priorité aux initiatives stratégiques qui l’aideront à maintenir sa trajectoire positive et à renforcer son incidence et sa réputation parmi les universités mondiales.

York a retenu 17 actions supplémentaires pour encadrer ces efforts. Les prochaines étapes consistent à consolider les groupes de travail chargés de diriger ces initiatives et à établir des objectifs et des critères de référence pour mesurer les progrès accomplis. En plus d’impliquer activement les membres du conseil d’administration et du Sénat et nos partenaires syndicaux, la présidente invite l’ensemble de la communauté universitaire à participer à la conversation communautaire du lundi 10 juin. Ce sera l’une des occasions de discuter du budget et du plan d’action.

La collaboration de l’ensemble de la communauté universitaire sera essentielle pour définir et mettre en œuvre le meilleur plan de redressement possible afin que l’Université York continue à prospérer pour les générations futures.

Cast your vote: Board of Governors non-academic employee nominee

Vari hall

All full-time, non-academic employees are eligible to cast a ballot for the non-academic employee nominee to the York University Board of Governors. The nominee will serve a two-year term beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2026.

Voting, which will be conducted by e-vote, opens at 1 p.m. on June 3 and closes at noon on June 7.

In preparation to vote, review the list of nominees and their personal statements.