Editor’s Picks

York University takes significant step forward in journey to net zero

Jul 26, 2024
York University takes significant step forward in journey to net zero
This summer, the York University Energy Management team has adjusted how it heats and cools the Keele Campus, resulting in a reduction in emissions that will play a big role in helping the University meets its net-zero goals.

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Digital inclusion plays key role in financial inclusion, according to new Schulich study

Digital inclusion plays key role in financial inclusion, according to new Schulich study

Jul 24, 2024
New research from York University’s Schulich School of Business shows that providing greater access to high-speed internet is positively associated with greater access to capital, particularly for people from marginalized communities.
New funding supports training in vaccine production at York U

New funding supports training in vaccine production at York U

Jul 19, 2024
The Faculty of Science has received funding from the Ontario Ministry of Colleges & Universities to launch a micro-credential in vaccine production at York University’s Markham Campus in 2025. 
Lassonde partnership leverages 3D printing to address housing crisis

Lassonde partnership leverages 3D printing to address housing crisis

Jul 17, 2024
Professor Liam Butler is teaming up with construction company Printerra to transform the future of housing with 3D printing and low-carbon concrete.

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York in Focus

AMPD brings diversity of learning experiences to students

AMPD brings diversity of learning experiences to students

May 16, 2024
Welcome to the May 2024 edition of Innovatus, a special issue of YFile devoted to teaching and learning at York University. This issue showcases the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design (AMPD).