Faculty, instructors, administrators encouraged to complete Maclean’s survey for university rankings

York Dahdeleh Lobby BANNER

Eligible York University community members are invited to fill out a reputational survey as part of the Maclean’s University Rankings.  

The Canadian news magazine’s annual rankings are considered to be one of the most influential sources for prospective university students when choosing their school.   

The annual reputational survey is part of the Maclean’s ranking methodology, which aims to gather the opinions of university faculty, senior administration and businesspeople from across Canada.   

The reputational survey is now available for York faculty, instructors and senior administrators. It takes about 10 minutes to complete.  

The Maclean’s reputational survey for faculty (English version) is available at: surveymonkey.com/r/MacleansAcademicSurvey202402

The French-language version of the reputational survey is available at: fr.surveymonkey.com/r/MacleansSondageEnseignant202402

“The Maclean’s University Ranking is an important part of the decision-making journey for prospective students. These rankings build strong awareness about York’s academic and research accomplishments among higher education institutions throughout Canada and around the world, attracting students, future leaders, faculty, and staff to join and partner with our academic community,” said Marcia Annisette, vice-provost academic.  

“All faculty colleagues, instructors and senior administrators are eligible to complete the reputational survey to highlight York’s academic excellence and global leadership. Together, we can continue to be a driving force for positive change.” 

Any eligible faculty, instructors or senior administration members who encounter issues while completing the survey are encouraged to contact the Office of Institutional Planning & Analysis at oipa@yorku.ca for guidance.  

From a research perspective, York University has much to be proud of:  

  • A new Global Research Excellence Seed Fund was launched to strengthen the University’s research partnerships worldwide and enable faculty members to forge deeper global connections across communities, academia and industry. 
  • York’s Connected Minds: Neural and Machine Systems of a Healthy, Just Society is the largest research program in the University’s history ($318.4 million), engaging researchers from across the Faculties and disciplines. It has delivered several seed grants and PhD awards, expanded its roster of experts, and increased visibility and participation at several research events since the 2023 launch. 
  • York’s externally sponsored research income exceeded $100 million for the fifth consecutive year, with a record level of funding at $121 million in 2022-23, and over the past decade the University has doubled its research revenue.  
  • York received $1.5 million in funding from the Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN) to support small- and medium-sized enterprises and startups in developing and testing innovative automotive technologies, including electric vehicles and smart mobility solutions.  

“From advancing socially responsible artificial intelligence to improving emergency disaster management to pioneering innovative sustainability initiatives, York is a leader in research excellence,” said Amir Asif, vice-president research and innovation. “Completing the survey helps us draw the next generation of changemakers to York.” 

Other points of institutional pride that highlight excellence happening at York include:  

  • The University demonstrated continued momentum in several prestigious rankings, including placing in the top 40 institutions globally in last year’s Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, climbing more than 100 spots in the QS World University Rankings and placing in the top 100 globally in three subjects – education, English and philosophy – in the 2024 QS Subject Rankings.  
  • York has committed to achieving net-zero emissions by 2040, a decade sooner than its previous commitment. 
  • York successfully hosted the 2023 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences under the theme Reckonings and Re-Imaginings, welcoming 10,300+ global scholars to our campuses at the largest free-trade event in Canadian history. 
  • In its first year as the academic lead of the UNITAR Global Water Academy, the academy launched a new website, and will offer a flagship course on sustainable water management practices, along with courses on water security – some of which will be taught by York’s leading water experts. 
  • The recent Ontario budget included a historic announcement to fund a new school of medicine at York to educate the next generation of talented primary care physicians, addressing critical health-care gaps in the province.  
  • Department of Psychology Professor Debra Pepler was one of four York faculty members to be elected by the Royal Society of Canada as part of the Class of 2023; and Professor Janine Marchessault was named a recipient of the 2023 Killam Prize, honouring her work in community-based and public art exhibitions that look to amplify marginalized voices.  
  • In 2023-24, the School of Continuing Studies launched three new programs that were the first of their kind in Canada – the Certificate in Customer Success Management, and post-graduate certificates in cloud operations and offensive cybersecurity. 

York advances projects to support Indigenous scholarship, knowledge

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Indigenous

Nine new projects dedicated to increasing Indigenous scholarship and voice within teaching and learning at York University have earned grants through the Indigeneity in Teaching in Learning Fund.

Funded by the Office of the Vice-Provost Academic, these innovative projects selected in the 2023-24 academic year create new opportunities for Indigenous students to build knowledge and increase participation in cultural activities, while expanding meaningful connections with Indigenous communities.

Marcia Annisette
Marcia Annisette

“We are pleased to see the uptake and interest in this fund. We get more applicants than we can fund and this year was no different,” says Marcia Annisette, vice-provost academic. “This speaks to the great interest across the University to bring meaning and intention to the Indigenous Framework and to the University Academic Plan. These funds are catalysts for what we hope will lead to richer teaching, learning and relationship across the University.”

Projects are estimated to engage approximately 1,000 students, faculty and staff. Susan Dion, associate vice-president, Indigenous initiatives, says these projects “contribute to embedding Indigenous voices and perspectives in courses, student learning and partnership building with Indigenous leaders, advancing York’s commitment to integrating Indigenous thought and perspectives throughout the academy.”  

In 2023, the University launched its Decolonizing, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, which includes a commitment to cultivating inclusive teaching and learning environments that nurture multiple and intersectional ways of knowing. The nine projects awarded with grants aim to advance this goal in concrete ways and demonstrate how the community is contributing to advancing positive change in 2023-24.

The projects, which will receive approximately $2,000 each, are:

  • Bridging Indigenous Women’s and IndigiQueer Voices from Community to Indigenous Feminisms Class, by Angele Alook;
  • Community Voices in Indigenous Spirituality in the Contemporary World, by Michael White;  
  • Creating a SAGE Nest: Collaborative Mentorship & Support for Indigenous Graduate Students, by Rebecca Beaulne-Stuebing;  
  • Regeneration: All Our Relations Speaker and Performance, by Laura Levin, Brenda Longfellow, Archer Pechawis and Emilia White;
  • Lunch and Learn: Connect, Educate, Enhance, by Sage Hartmann and Hannah Johnson, Osgoode Indigenous Student Association;
  • Making Good Tracks Moccasin Project, by Kiera Brant-Birioukov
  • Reclaiming Aatisokaanan: Traditional Anishinaabe Stories, by Maya Chacaby;
  • Exploring Toronto as a City of Solidarity and Alienation, by Soma Chatterjee; and  
  • Houdensosaunee Social Dance, by Jeremy Green

Message to the community on the war in the Middle East

La version française suit la version anglaise. 

This past Sunday, the University sent out a tweet unequivocally denouncing the attacks against civilians in Israel. We are heartbroken by the loss of life and the escalation of violence in the region and our thoughts are with all those who are suffering in Israel and Palestine.

We have reached out to our students and student organizations that support Jewish and Palestinian students to offer assistance and we join the international community in its calls for a peaceful resolution.

We continue to closely follow the news of the escalating conflict in the region and the unfolding humanitarian crisis and are reaching out today to share information about available supports. We know that many members of our community have ties to the Middle East including family and friends living in the region. Your well-being is important to us and we encourage you to reach out for help using the links to resources below should you need them.  

Canada is home to large diaspora communities and we have seen how events surrounding armed international conflict can lead to division and inflammatory language. The University stands firmly behind the principles established in the President’s Initiative on Open and Respectful Dialogue. These principles underscore our commitment to free expression and to free association. But these freedoms are not absolute. Collectively, we are responsible for creating an inclusive and respectful environment where community members feel safe and welcomed without fear of intimidation or harassment. 

Well-being supports for students, faculty and staff: YorkU.ca/Well-being/Resources/.

Rhonda Lenton
President and Vice-Chancellor

Lisa Philipps
Provost & Vice-President Academic

Alice Pitt
Interim Vice-President, Equity, People & Culture

Message à la communauté au sujet de la guerre au Moyen-Orient

Dimanche dernier, l’Université a envoyé un gazouillis qui dénonçait sans équivoque les attaques contre des civils en Israël. Nous sommes bouleversés par les pertes humaines et l’escalade de la violence dans cette région et nos pensées vont à toutes les personnes qui souffrent en Israël et en Palestine.

Nous avons contacté la communauté étudiante et les organisations étudiantes qui appuient la population étudiante juive et palestinienne pour leur offrir notre assistance et nous nous associons à la communauté internationale pour appeler à une résolution pacifique.

Nous continuons à suivre de près l’évolution du conflit et la crise humanitaire qui en résulte et nous tenons aujourd’hui à vous faire part des ressources à votre disposition. Nous savons que de nombreux membres de notre communauté ont des liens avec le Moyen-Orient, y compris de la famille et des amis vivant dans la région. Votre bien-être est précieux et nous vous encourageons à demander de l’aide en utilisant les liens ci-dessous en cas de besoin.  

Le Canada héberge de grandes communautés de la diaspora et nous avons vu comment les événements accompagnant un conflit international armé peuvent entraîner des divisions et des propos virulents. L’Université adhère résolument aux principes établis dans L’initiative de la présidente pour un dialogue ouvert et respectueux. Ces principes appuient notre engagement envers la liberté d’expression et d’association. Toutefois, ces libertés ne sont pas absolues. Collectivement, nous sommes responsables de la création d’un environnement inclusif et respectueux où les membres de la communauté se sentent en sécurité et accueillis sans crainte d’intimidation ou de harcèlement. 

Ressources de bien-être pour les membres de la population étudiante, du corps professoral et du personnel : yorku.ca/well-being/resources.

Rhonda Lenton
Présidente et vice-chancelière

Lisa Philipps
Rectrice et vice-présidente aux affaires académiques

Alice Pitt
Vice-présidente intérimaire de l’équité, des personnes et de la culture

Academic integrity and student success: join the conversation

Academic integrity month students

York University’s second annual Academic Integrity Month, taking place in October, invites faculty, students and staff to join a series of workshops and activities developed to help deepen understanding of the topic.

The York-wide event series aims to broaden knowledge of academic integrity through this year’s theme: Connecting the Community. The spotlight is on innovative academic integrity approaches from the York community that facilitate new thinking about the topic and new ways to foster student success.

Organizers from the Office of the Vice-Provost Academic will present four events specifically designed for students, with a focus on: how to demonstrate academic integrity; sources and citing; academic skills, such as time management and group work; English-as-a-second-language theme classes; and using ChatGPT and artificial intelligence (AI).

The full list of student-focused events is here.

For faculty, instructors and staff, each week includes a variety of presentations, workshops and courses that delve into topics including: academic integrity and group work; AI and education; designing assessments; and more.

The full list of these events, listed by week, is here.

For more information and to register for a session, visit the Academic Integrity Month website.

Project aims to educate students on academic integrity

Teachers students celebration

By Angela Ward

An Academic Innovation Fund (AIF) project at York University aims to broaden the understanding of academic integrity and the student experience.

“Academic misconduct is a complex and multifaceted issue that involves consequences such as compromised learning, reduced student success and reputational damage to an institution,” says Angela Clark, academic integrity specialist in the Office of the Vice-Provost Academic. Exploring the approaches used to educate students about academic integrity at York University is a key part of Clark’s project.

Angela Clark
Angela Clark

The AIF project, “Understanding Academic Integrity Instruction at York: A First Step to Developing Meaningful Interventions for Students,” will explore the current interventions in place so students can be supported in their understanding of academic honesty at York. It will lead to developing future interventions that are aligned to students’ circumstances and realities and are geared towards supporting their success. 

“There are many reasons why academic misconduct occurs. Although it is normally linked to a student’s lack of morals, it more commonly arises from both a lack of academic skills and a lack of awareness around academic integrity,” Clark explains. At York, Faculties offer different types of interventions, which can include modules, websites, activities and assessments, among others. Clark would like to learn what instruction is taking place, how it occurs, how students interpret it and how it is scaffolded. To that end, this project aims to collect all these interventions into an inventory and evaluate them, starting with co-curricular interventions and moving to curricular interventions in the fall. The next phase will take place in Winter 2024, in which focus groups with students will take place. 

“In education, most interventions that institutions offer are general in nature, but this doesn’t benefit students who are more at risk of engaging in academic misconduct,” Clark notes. “There is research on international students who are non-native English speakers that shows they tend to engage in breaches more often than domestic students. But there is a lack of research on equity-deserving groups such as racialized students, Indigenous students and those with disabilities, and the struggles they may face with academic integrity standards.

“The research does indicate that the development of competence in academic integrity is affected by a student’s starting point: their academic level, their language, their educational level and other contextual factors.” 

Clark is especially interested in these focus groups to understand students’ perspectives and experiences on current academic integrity interventions. “I would like to learn how students are encountering these interventions and where the gaps lie. It’s important to meet students where they are in order to effectively instruct them on this topic.  

“The new interventions, paired with the student voice in focus groups, will help us learn about our students and incorporate their diverse experiences and ideas about what can be offered in academic integrity education to best support them.” 

Clark adds, “It’s particularly important to understand student behaviour now more than ever. During the pandemic and the corresponding move to remote learning, the use of homework help and content-sharing sites like Chegg and Course Hero flourished across higher education institutions. Now we have generative AI (artificial intelligence) technology, prompting more concern about academic integrity.”  

Not only is there a concern around how students potentially use these tools to complete their work, but detecting their unauthorized use has been problematic, as no detection tool to date has been proven to be reliable. 

Choosing whether to leverage AI in classrooms is also based on each individual instructor’s judgment, as outlined in York’s Academic Standards, Curriculum and Pedagogy Committee statement. If instructors do allow the use of AI in course assessments or assignments, it is requested that they clearly communicate the parameters for how students utilize it, including being transparent about its use and providing citations. It is also recommended that they engage students in discussions about the ethical use of the technology and common concerns about inaccurate information, false references, privacy, confidentiality and copyright. 

The topic of academic integrity is timely, with Academic Integrity Month coming up in October at the University. The event encompasses the theme of “Connecting the Community,” as it will bring together students, faculty and staff for a series of discussions on innovative academic integrity approaches and ways instructors have revised their assessments. 

“Generative AI seems to be a popular topic in scheduled discussions, which presents a good opportunity for the York community to learn from each other,” Clark says. 

While sessions are aimed at instructors, there is also an opportunity for students to get involved. “Last year, we hosted an online scavenger hunt for students. Students were tasked with finding the answers to questions from various student service areas on their websites and then sending in their answers for chances to win prizes. This year, we’re hosting an in-person scavenger hunt, encouraging students to visit student support services such as Student Community & Leadership Development, the library, the Writing Centre and the English as a Second Language Open Learning Centre, among others, where they can connect with people in person, collect printed material and feel more comfortable accessing these services on campus,” Clark explains.  

The Academic Integrity Month website can be found here. “It’s not too late to get involved,” Clark adds. “If anyone in the York community has any academic integrity research, practices or ideas that they think would benefit the York community, they can reach out to me.”  

For further information on support and events related to academic integrity, visit the Academic Integrity website. For information about generative AI in particular, visit the AI Technology and Academic Support for Instructors web page, which includes contextual information on AI technology, tips for addressing AI technology with students, managing grey areas and ethical concerns, using AI technology as a teaching and learning tool, and detecting AI content, along with upcoming workshops in October and beyond. 

Faculty, administrators encouraged to complete ‘Maclean’s’ survey for university rankings 

Diverse teacher and student at a laptop

Note: The July 25, 2024, issue of YFile incorrectly linked to this archived story. To complete the 2024 Maclean’s reputational survey, see this YFile article instead.

York faculty members and senior administrators are invited to fill out a reputational survey as part of the Maclean’s University Ranking.  

The Canadian news magazine’s annual rankings are considered to be one of the most influential sources for prospective university students when choosing their school, and boosts reputation in higher education.  

The annual reputational survey is part of the Maclean’s ranking methodology, which aims to gather the opinions of university faculty, senior administration and businesspeople from across Canada.  

The Reputational Survey is now available for York faculty and senior administrators to complete until early September 2023, when the survey closes. The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete. 

The Maclean’s Reputational Survey for Faculty (English version) is available at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MacleansAcademicSurvey202302.  

The French-language version of the Reputational Survey is available at:  https://fr.surveymonkey.com/r/MacleansSondageEnseignant202302

“The Maclean’s University ranking is an important signal for prospective students. Strong rankings for York improves awareness about our leadership in higher education, attracting students as well as research funding and strategic partnerships to our academic community. It also supports the University’s efforts to recruit talented future faculty and staff,” says Lisa Philipps, provost and vice-president academic.   

“I encourage faculty colleagues and senior administrators to complete the reputational survey to highlight York’s academic excellence and the advantages of choosing York,” she says. “The University is truly a driving force for positive change.” 

Maclean’s has made two major changes this year: there is no student satisfaction survey; and, they are asking universities to distribute their reputational survey to participants on their behalf, instead of sending directly to participants.  

Maclean’s has advised that when completing the survey, participants should choose the job title that most closely describes their role. For example, “assistant professors” and “associate professors,” will need to choose the “professor” option. Also, any staff member who teaches at York qualifies to complete the survey as an academic.  

 Any eligible faculty and senior administration member who encounters issues while completing the survey is encouraged to contact the Office of Institutional Planning and Analysis at oipa@yorku.ca.  

From a research perspective, York University has much to be proud of: 

  • York leads Connected Minds, a $318.4-million, first-of-its-kind AI research initiative examining how technology is transforming society, drawing on the expertise of core researchers from the Faculty of Health, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, the Lassonde School of Engineering, Osgoode Hall Law School and Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies.   
  • York’s total sponsored research income continues to increase amounting to $112 million in 2022-23, the highest in the history of the University.   
  • York successfully hosted 10,310 global scholars at Congress 2023, showcasing leadership on social justice and sustainability and the Faculty of Graduate Studies ensured all graduate students were supported to attend through the Academic Excellence Fund, including equity-deserving groups.   

“From our historic Connected Minds initiative to accelerating research in AI and health to the transformative work of more than 30 Organized Research Units that draw on expertise from STEM, social sciences and humanities, and other various fields, York is an interdisciplinary powerhouse for research excellence,” said Amir Asif, vice-president, research and innovation. “University ranks like Maclean’s help us demonstrate the significant reach and impact of our research faculty.” 

Other points of institutional pride that highlight excellence happening at York include: 

  • The School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design (AMPD) and the Schulich School of Business Executive Education partnered with Cinespace Studios to create the first micro-credential program in production accounting for professionals in the film and television industry. 
  • York ranked in the Top 40 globally out of 1,500-plus institutions participating in this year’s Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, once again demonstrating the University’s leadership on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
  • The Faculty of Science strengthened its training and research capacity by creating a program to train the next generation of technologically advanced graduates for the pharmaceutical industry and secured major research awards including $7.25 million from the International Development Research Centre.  
  • Glendon College launched a first-of-its-kind Certificate in Indigenous Cultural Competency and Trauma-Informed Training, in partnership with Nokiiwin Tribal Council, and funded in part by the Donner Canadian Foundation.  
  • York University Libraries Accessibility Services have been recognized as an international leader for those requiring alternate formats of texts or access to the Libraries’ adaptive lab to conduct research, course work and studies.  
  • Faculty of Education Professor Celia Haig-Brown was one of six York faculty members to be elected by The Royal Society of Canada (RSC) as part of the Class of 2022 and Professor Carl James was one of five recipients of the 2022 Killam Prize, honouring his research on identity, race, class, gender, immigration and creating more equitable societies.  
  • The School of Continuing Studies opened a new state-of-the-art building and increased the number of internationally educated baccalaureate graduates by 64 per cent. These students received post-graduate certificates in programs designed in partnership with industry, focusing on in-demand skills that enable students to launch careers in Canada.
  • The University approved the 2023-2028 Strategic Research Plan – Knowledge for the Future: From Creation and Discovery to Application, laying out a vision for accelerating the growth and supporting the development of our research, scholarship and creative activity over the next five years. 

Announcement of term extension and appointment of new vice-provost academic

yfile FEATURED image shows students walking into Vari Hall on the Keele campus

The following message to the University community is from York University Provost & Vice-President Academic Lisa Philipps:

Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to announce that Vice-Provost Academic Lyndon Martin has agreed to extend his term in this role until Dec. 31, 2023, at which point he will take up appointment as senior advisor on strategic academic program initiatives for a period of 18 months, until June 30, 2025.

Formerly dean of the Faculty of Education where he remains a full professor, Dr. Martin came to York University in 2009, prior to which he held academic appointments at Kingston University, the University of British Columbia and the University of East Anglia.

As vice-provost academic he has played a central role in fostering curriculum and program innovation across the University. Dr. Martin and his team ensure compliance with York University Quality Assurance Procedures and the provincial QA framework, and work closely with deans, associate deans, Senate, faculty colleagues and other stakeholders to support continuous improvement of curriculum as well as new program development in a dynamic and competitive higher education landscape. He has also established new institutional supports for academic integrity including a community of practice with the Faculties that has positioned York as a thought leader in this area. Under Dr. Martin’s leadership, the Vice-Provost Academic Office continues to play a vital role in overseeing the steady growth of non-degree studies at York as well as our community engagement and access programming, building York’s contributions as an anchor institution in Toronto and York Region.

Marcia Annisette
Marcia Annisette

I am also delighted to announce that Dr. Marcia Annisette will step into the role of vice-provost academic on Jan. 1, 2024. Dr. Annisette is full professor and was founding director of the Master of Accounting program in the Schulich School of Business, where she has recently provided leadership as associate dean, academic and, prior to that, associate dean, students. Professor Annisette joined York in 2005, prior to which she taught at the University of Manchester, the University of the West Indies, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Howard University. She is co-editor in chief of the leading international journal Accounting, Organizations and Society, and former co-editor in chief of Critical Perspectives in Accounting. She is an internationally recognized scholar who has published widely on the social organization of the accounting profession and is a chartered accountant in both the U.K. and Canada. Dr. Annisette also brings a wealth of experience in collegial governance as a member of Senate, the Senate Executive Committee and other roles.   

I look forward very much to continuing to work with Dr. Martin, and to welcoming Dr. Annisette to her new role, and am grateful for their commitments to the University and for their support in advancing the University’s academic priorities.


Lisa Philipps
Provost & Vice-President Academic  

Annonce de la prolongation de mandats et de la nomination d’un nouveau vice-recteur aux affaires académiques

The following message to the University community is from York University Provost & Vice-President Academic Lisa Philipps:

Chers collègues, chères collègues,

J’ai le plaisir d’annoncer que le vice-recteur aux affaires académiques Lyndon Martin a accepté de prolonger son mandat jusqu’au 31 décembre 2023, date à laquelle il assumera le poste de conseiller principal pour les initiatives stratégiques en matière de programmes universitaires pour une période de 18 mois, soit jusqu’au 30 juin 2025. 

Ancien doyen de la Faculté des sciences de l’éducation, où il est toujours professeur titulaire, M. Martin a rejoint l’Université York en 2009, après avoir occupé des postes à la Kingston University, à l’Université de la Colombie-Britannique et à la University of East Anglia.

En tant que vice-recteur aux affaires académiques, il a joué un rôle central pour promouvoir l’innovation en matière de programmes d’études dans l’ensemble de l’Université. Lyndon Martin et son équipe veillent au respect des procédures d’assurance qualité de l’Université York et du cadre provincial d’assurance qualité et travaillent en étroite collaboration avec les décanats, les décanats associés, le Sénat, le corps professoral et d’autres intervenants pour soutenir l’amélioration continue des programmes d’études ainsi que le développement de nouveaux programmes dans un paysage dynamique et concurrentiel de l’enseignement supérieur. Il a également mis en place de nouvelles ressources institutionnelles pour l’honnêteté intellectuelle, en créant notamment une communauté de pratique avec les facultés, ce qui a permis à York de se positionner en tant que leader éclairé dans ce domaine. Sous sa direction, le Bureau du vice-rectorat aux affaires académiques continue de jouer un rôle essentiel dans la supervision de la croissance constante des programmes hors diplôme de York. Il promeut aussi notre engagement communautaire et nos programmes d’accès, renforçant ainsi les contributions de York comme établissement clé à Toronto et dans la région de York.

Marcia Annisette
Marcia Annisette

J’ai également le plaisir d’annoncer que Marcia Annisette, Ph. D. occupera le poste de vice-rectrice aux affaires académiques à partir du 1er janvier 2024. Mme Annisette est professeure titulaire et directrice fondatrice du programme de maîtrise en comptabilité de l’École Schulich des hautes études commerciales, où elle a récemment occupé le poste de doyenne associée aux affaires académiques et, auparavant, celui de doyenne associée aux affaires étudiantes. La professeure Annisette a rejoint York en 2005, après avoir enseigné à la University of Manchester, à la University of the West Indies, à la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid et à la Howard University. Elle est co-rédactrice en chef de la revue internationale de premier plan Accounting, Organizations and Society, et ancienne co-rédactrice en chef de Critical Perspectives in Accounting. Chercheuse de renommée internationale, elle a publié de nombreux ouvrages sur l’organisation sociale de la profession comptable. Elle est comptable agréée au Royaume-Uni et au Canada. Elle apporte également une grande expérience de la gouvernance collégiale en tant que membre du Sénat et du Comité de direction du Sénat ainsi qu’à d’autres titres.   

Je me réjouis de continuer à travailler avec M.  Martin, et d’accueillir Mme Annisette dans ses nouvelles fonctions, et je leur suis reconnaissante de leur engagement envers l’Université et de leur soutien dans la promotion de ses priorités académiques.

Sincères salutations,

Lisa Philipps
Rectrice et vice-présidente aux affaires académiques  

York University to address budget deficit over next three fiscal years 

Arial view of Kaneff

La version française suit la version anglaise. 

The following is a communication from York University:

York University, like many post-secondary institutions across Canada, is facing short-term financial pressures related to a variety of internal and external factors. Fortunately, the University maintains healthy reserves to help mitigate enrolment fluctuations, support strategic opportunities and priorities that will continue to advance our vision and reduce our exposure to future risks.  

The key drivers of the revenue shortfall include provincial operating funds that have been outpaced by inflation, a decline in international student enrolment exacerbated by slow visa processing times and a concurrent three-year tuition freeze. York has a clear plan to respond to the challenges we face. A number of immediate measures are being taken to reduce the expected gap in revenue compared to expenditures that will see the budget balanced by 2025-26. The aim is to strengthen our enrolment, diversify revenue, and to minimize the impact on the high-quality education we provide where reductions in expenditures are necessary.   

Consequently, to bridge the gap, administrative units will face an average of 2.5 to 4 per cent reduction in expenditures, with the Faculties and School of Continuing Studies absorbing up to a 2 per cent expenditure reduction. Budget reductions include a temporary pause or reduction in employee professional development, limiting the hiring of tenure stream faculty and staff to only urgently needed appointments, and a reduction in advertising that is not directly related to strategic enrolment management. It will also include the deferral of minor renovations and some equipment renewals. 

Strategies to drive new revenue will also be enhanced including program innovation, expanding capacity in high-demand programs, advancing 21st century learning such as microcredentials, launching our Markham Campus, student success and retention initiatives, strengthening our global engagement and internationalization strategy, implementing our Decolonizing, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (DEDI) Strategy, building our profile and reputation, increasing our success in research and commercialization, intensifying University Advancement, and progress on our Campus Vision and Strategy. While each of these will contribute to our future financial sustainability, it will take time to realize the full benefit of our efforts.

“York University has seen tremendous success and growth over the past few years, and I am confident we can maintain our momentum while navigating this short-term challenge. Our leadership in advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and our commitment to decolonization, equity, diversity and inclusion has helped propel York as the first-choice university for domestic students. These successes are a testament to the dedication and perseverance of our community and their commitment to driving positive change,” says Rhonda Lenton, president and vice-chancellor. “It will be important for us not to lose sight of our long-term goals and delivering on our vision to provide students with access to a high-quality, research-intensive learning environment committed to the public good.” 

Based on current university application data, York is in a strong position for the 2023-24 academic year with domestic first choice applications up 11.2 per cent. Converting these applications to enrolled students will have a positive budget impact. 

“Mitigating current financial pressures require all Faculties, divisions and units to do their part,” says Lisa Philipps, provost and vice-president academic. “We will work with units and Faculties to ensure their individual goals, plans and initiatives are supported through a temporary pause of some activities. We have faced these challenges in the past with success and have identified a strategic way forward that allows us to continue to advance the priorities set out in the University Academic Plan.” 

L’Université York va gérer son déficit budgétaire au cours des trois prochaines années fiscales

L’Université York, tout comme de nombreux autres établissements d’enseignement supérieur au Canada, fait face à des pressions financières à court terme liées à divers facteurs internes et externes. Fort heureusement, l’Université conserve des réserves saines pour atténuer les fluctuations des inscriptions, appuyer des possibilités stratégiques et les priorités qui continueront à faire progresser sa vision et à réduire son exposition aux risques futurs.

Les principaux facteurs à l’origine de ce manque à gagner sont les fonds de fonctionnement provinciaux qui ont été insuffisants pour faire face à l’inflation, la baisse des inscriptions d’étudiants internationaux exacerbée par la lenteur du traitement des demandes de visa et le blocage parallèle des frais de scolarité pendant trois ans. York a un plan d’action clair pour répondre aux défis auxquels elle est confrontée. Plusieurs mesures immédiates sont actuellement mises en place pour réduire l’écart attendu entre les recettes et les dépenses, et cela permettra d’équilibrer le budget d’ici 2025-2026. Même si des réductions de dépenses sont nécessaires, l’objectif demeure de renforcer nos effectifs, de diversifier nos revenus et de minimiser l’impact sur l’enseignement de qualité que nous offrons.  

Par conséquent, pour combler ce déficit, les unités administratives devront réduire leurs dépenses de 2,5 à 4 % en moyenne, tandis que les facultés et l’École de formation continue devront absorber une réduction des dépenses allant jusqu’à 2 %. Les réductions budgétaires prévoient une suspension temporaire ou une réduction du développement professionnel des employés, l’embauche de professeurs et d’employés permanents restreinte à des nominations indispensables, et la réduction de toute publicité n’ayant pas de lien direct avec la gestion stratégique des inscriptions. Elles comprennent également le report de rénovations mineures et du renouvellement de certains équipements.

Les stratégies visant à générer de nouveaux revenus seront également consolidées, notamment : l’innovation en matière de programmes; l’augmentation de la capacité de programmes très recherchés; la promotion de l’apprentissage au 21e siècle (comme les microcrédits); le lancement de notre campus Markham; les initiatives de réussite et de rétention étudiante; le renforcement de notre engagement mondial et de notre stratégie d’internationalisation; la mise en œuvre de notre stratégie de décolonisation, d’équité, de diversité et d’inclusion (DEDI); l’amélioration de notre profil et de notre réputation; l’augmentation de nos succès en matière de recherche et de commercialisation; l’intensification des activités d’avancement de l’Université; et la progression de notre Vision et stratégie du campus. Chacun de ces éléments contribuera à notre future viabilité financière, mais il faudra un certain temps pour que nos efforts portent leurs fruits.

« L’Université York a connu un succès et une croissance extraordinaires au cours des dernières années. Je suis convaincue que nous continuerons sur notre lancée tout en relevant ce défi à court terme. Notre leadership dans la promotion des objectifs de développement durable des Nations Unies et notre engagement envers la décolonisation, l’équité, la diversité et l’inclusion ont contribué à faire de York un choix privilégié pour les étudiantes et étudiants nationaux. Ces succès témoignent du dévouement et de la persévérance de notre communauté et de son engagement à susciter des changements positifs, déclare Rhonda Lenton, présidente et vice-chancelière. Il est important de ne pas perdre de vue nos objectifs à long terme et de concrétiser notre vision, à savoir donner à la communauté étudiante l’accès à un environnement d’apprentissage de haute qualité, axé sur la recherche et engagé en faveur du bien public. »

Sur la base des données actuelles sur les demandes d’inscription, l’Université York est en bonne posture pour l’année universitaire 2023-2024 avec des demandes nationales de premier choix en hausse de 11,2 pour cent. La conversion de ces demandes en inscriptions aura des incidences budgétaires positives.

« Pour atténuer les pressions financières actuelles, toutes les facultés, divisions et unités doivent faire leur part, déclare Lisa Philipps, rectrice et vice-présidente aux affaires académiques. Nous travaillerons avec les unités et les facultés pour nous assurer que leurs objectifs, plans et initiatives individuels sont appuyés par une suspension temporaire de certaines activités. Dans le passé, nous avons relevé ces défis avec succès et nous avons tracé une voie stratégique nous permettant de continuer à faire avancer les priorités définies dans le Plan académique de l’Université. »

Passings: Connie Vince


Connie Vince, a dedicated member of the York University community for over 40 years, passed away peacefully on May 14. Vince’s remarkable commitment and service to the University left an indelible mark on the institution and the countless lives she touched.

Vince’s passion for her work at York University was evident throughout her four decades of service. She contributed wholeheartedly to the University’s growth and success until her retirement from the Office of Institutional Planning & Analysis (OIPA) in 2018. Her unwavering dedication and strong work ethic inspired her colleagues.

Beyond her professional achievements, Vince will be remembered for her infectious warmth, joy and genuine love for those around her. Her ever-present smile and jolly nature brought comfort and happiness to all who had the pleasure of knowing her. Vince possessed a remarkable capacity to uplift and support others, always ready with a kind word or a helping hand. She leaves behind a legacy of compassion and kindness that will continue to resonate within the York University community.

Vince’s memory will forever be cherished by her colleagues, friends and the countless lives she influenced. Her dedication to York University, coupled with her remarkable ability to spread love and joy, will be deeply missed.

She is described by former colleagues as patient and kind, devoted and as the “heart” of the OIPA unit.

Vince is survived by her children Diana Evangelista, Stephanie Adamason (Josh), her grandchildren Nolan, Luke, Charlotte, Cole and her brother Tommy Schmidt (Shelda). She was predeceased by her parents Thomas and Gertrude Schmidt.

Memories and expressions of sympathy can be shared at https://www.dignitymemorial.com/en-ca/obituaries/thornhill-on/connie-vince-11288631.

Announcement of appointment of the vice-provost, teaching and learning

Vari ariel winter

La version française suit la version anglaise. 

Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to inform members of the York University community that Chloë Brushwood Rose will commence a three-year term as vice-provost, teaching and learning on July 1.

Chloe Brushwood Rose
Chloe Brushwood Rose

Professor Brushwood Rose is a faculty member in Education and currently serves as graduate program director in Gender, Feminist and Women’s Studies at York. She has previously served as associate dean academic in Education and as Chair of the Senate Committee on Academic Standards, Curriculum and Pedagogy (ASCP). At the core of all her administrative leadership and service activities is a commitment to strengthening the University’s openness to a greater diversity of perspectives, programs and students.

Her research interests span several fields, including community-engaged research and education, media and arts-based education, and gender, feminist and sexuality studies. She holds a PhD from York University, an MA from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto and is a registered psychotherapist.

Professor Brushwood Rose is co-author of Community-based Media Pedagogies: Relational Approaches to Listening in the Commons (Routledge, 2016), exploring how teaching and learning with digital media in community-based settings cultivates the experience of a “commons,” or mediating space between self and world.

She is widely published in journals, including Psychoanalysis; Culture & Society; Qualitative Studies in Education; Visual Studies; the International Journal of Leadership in Education; and Gender and Education, and is the co-editor of a recent special issue of the Journal of Teaching and Learning, focussed on the impacts of COVID-19 for children, youth and education.

We are very excited to welcome Professor Brushwood Rose into this role at a pivotal time for teaching and learning development at York University. She and her team will support University-wide conversations about pedagogical advancement, secure external resources to support innovation, and celebrate outstanding exemplars and achievements in teaching and learning across the University and beyond. The vice-provost teaching and learning works closely with the Teaching Commons and collaborates with the Division of Students and Faculties to foster the growth of work integrated learning, capstone courses and other experiential education opportunities for York students.  

Professor Brushwood Rose is succeeding Will Gage who will complete his final term as associate vice-president teaching and learning on June 30. I would like to sincerely thank Will for the enormous contributions he has made to York University in this role through a time of sweeping changes in higher education. He was ahead of his time in championing the purposeful development of technology enhanced learning, helping to establish York at the forefront of accelerating pedagogical trends. Will has led or supported myriad other initiatives such as the growth of experiential learning, development of the award-winning virtual student advisor now affectionately known as SAVY, enhancing supports for the scholarship of teaching and learning, and strengthening communication of teaching and learning achievements. The York community will continue to benefit from his contributions for years to come.

Please join me in welcoming Professor Chloë Brushwood Rose to the Division of the Provost & VP Academic, in the Office of Teaching and Learning. We are very much looking forward to working with her and benefitting from her leadership and experience.


Lisa Philipps
Provost & Vice-President Academic

Announcement of appointment of the vice-provost, teaching and learning

Chers collègues, chères collègues,

J’ai le plaisir d’informer les membres de la communauté de l’Université York que Chloë Brushwood Rose exercera un mandat de trois ans à titre de vice-rectrice de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage, à compter du 1er juillet 2023.

Chloe Brushwood Rose
Chloe Brushwood Rose

La professeure Brushwood Rose est membre de la Faculté d’éducation et est actuellement directrice du programme d’études supérieures en Études des femmes, du genre et du féminisme à York. Elle a précédemment occupé les fonctions de doyenne associée de l’enseignement et de présidente du Comité du Sénat sur les normes académiques et pédagogiques et les programmes (ASCP). Au cœur de tous ses services et activités administratives se trouve un engagement à renforcer l’ouverture de l’université à une plus grande diversité de perspectives, de programmes et d’étudiants.

Ses recherches portent sur plusieurs domaines, notamment la recherche et l’éducation communautaires, l’éducation basée sur les médias et les arts, ainsi que les études du genre, du féminisme et de la sexualité. Elle est titulaire d’un doctorat de l’Université York, d’une maîtrise de l’Institut d’études pédagogiques de l’Ontario de l’Université de Toronto et est psychothérapeute agréée.

 Mme Brushwood Rose est co-autrice de Community-based Media Pedagogies: Relational Approaches to Listening in the Commons (Routledge, 2016), qui explore la manière dont l’enseignement et l’apprentissage avec des médias numériques dans des contextes communautaires cultivent l’expérience du « commun », ou de l’espace de médiation entre le soi et le monde. Elle a publié de nombreux articles dans des revues comme Psychoanalysis; Culture & Society; Qualitative Studies in Education; Visual Studies; International Journal of Leadership in Education et Gender and Education et est corédactrice d’un numéro spécial récent du Journal of Teaching and Learning consacré à l’impact de la COVID-19 sur les enfants, les jeunes et l’éducation.

Nous nous réjouissons d’accueillir la professeure Brushwood Rose dans ce rôle à un moment charnière pour le développement de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage à l’Université York. Son équipe et elle soutiendront les discussions à l’échelle de l’Université sur les progrès pédagogiques, obtiendront des ressources externes pour appuyer l’innovation et souligneront les exemples et les réalisations remarquables en matière d’enseignement et d’apprentissage dans l’ensemble de l’Université et au-delà. La vice-rectrice de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage travaille en étroite collaboration avec Teaching Commons et collabore avec la Division des affaires étudiantes et avec les facultés pour favoriser le développement de l’apprentissage intégré au travail, des cours de base et d’autres possibilités d’apprentissage expérientielle pour la population étudiante de l’Université York.  

Mme Brushwood Rose succède à Will Gage, qui achèvera son dernier mandat de vice-président associé de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage le 30 juin 2023. Je tiens à le remercier sincèrement pour l’énorme contribution qu’il a apportée à l’Université York dans cette fonction, à une époque où l’enseignement supérieur connaissait de profonds changements. Il était en avance sur son temps lorsqu’il s’est fait le champion du développement ciblé de l’apprentissage assisté par la technologie, contribuant ainsi à placer York à l’avant-garde des tendances pédagogiques accélérées. Il a dirigé ou soutenu une myriade d’autres initiatives comme le développement de l’éducation expérientielle, la mise en place du conseiller virtuel étudiant primé, aujourd’hui affectueusement connu sous le nom de SAVY, l’amélioration du soutien à la recherche sur l’enseignement et l’apprentissage, et le renforcement de la communication sur les réalisations en matière d’enseignement et d’apprentissage.  La communauté de York continuera à profiter de ses contributions pour les années à venir.

Veuillez vous joindre à moi pour souhaiter la bienvenue à Chloë Brushwood Rose au bureau de la rectrice et vice-présidente aux affaires académiques, division de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage. Nous avons hâte de travailler avec elle et de profiter de son leadership et de son expérience.

Sincères salutations, 

Lisa Philipps
Rectrice et vice-présidente aux affaires académiques