Model EU brings students from across Canada to York U

Model EU at York U

By Elaine Smith

When political science major Sara Harsini heard York University was hosting a Model European Union (EU) for university students nationwide, she signed up to participate and convinced her third-year classmate, Nawal Alhawari, to join her.

Nawal Alhawari (left) and Sara Harsini (right).

The Model EU, a simulation of the work done by the European governing body, was held this spring and organized by Heather MacRae, an associate professor in York U’s Department of Politics. Sponsored by the Delegation of the European Commission in Canada, it brought 55 students from across the country to the Keele Campus to experience politics and diplomacy in action.

“It was an excellent experiential education exercise,” MacRae said. “The students had to do advance work, both reading and research, and then they put it into action. They learned a lot about how the EU works and a lot about climate change.”

The event was the second of its kind to be held in Canada; last year, it was held in Ottawa. According to MacRae, the goal going forward is to have universities assume the role of hosting.

The Hungarian Consulate hosted the opening reception, an event that brought students and diplomats together to hear an opening speech by EU ambassador Melita Gabrič and to discuss the issues of the day. Many of the conversations centred around the European Green Deal – the EU climate law requiring a 55 per cent reduction of emissions by 2030 and climate neutrality by 2050 – since it was the focus of the weekend’s sessions. The students were tasked with creating a resolution, addressing how they would achieve its goals.

Students worked in pairs to represent the governments of the 27 EU nations. Alhawari and Harsini chose to represent Austria, because they wanted to embody a nation that was forward thinking in its environmental policies. After researching green policies and Austria’s contribution to the EU, they were delighted to meet a representative from the Austrian Consulate at the reception.

“It was fantastic to meet him and discuss Austria’s green policies,” said Harsini. “A major part of our success came from his commentary and insights.”

Gabriele Alexandru, head of the political, press and information section at the EU Delegation to Canada, gave the opening talk the following day, before the students got to work on their Green Deal resolutions. The event was entirely student run, with a pair from the University of Victoria acting as Chairs.

“It’s an opportunity to hone so many skills, including negotiation, co-operation, public speaking and research,” MacRae said. “There’s an extra benefit getting to know people interested in similar issues from across the country. We’re building a community of European scholars.”

This was the first time Alhawari and Harsini had participated in a simulation exercise. They thoroughly enjoyed the experience and are considering trying a Model United Nations simulation next.

“We always have a notion that government work takes too long, but this shed light on the fact that every nation’s voice had to be heard,” said Harsini. “Now, I understand why it takes time.”

Added Alhawari, “The actual Green Deal already exists, so we were just adding to it. I realized that if the real EU was able to forge an agreement, so could we.”

MacRae liked the idea of giving students a sponsored opportunity to learn more about the EU.

“There is an EU study tour each summer, which our students can take part in, but it is expensive,” she said. “Since not all students can afford to go to Europe, we bring Europe to them.”

J.J. McMurtry, dean of York University’s Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS), believes the exercise was extremely valuable.

“Participating in opportunities such as the Model EU simulation is a vital component of experiential learning and internationalization at LA&PS,” he said. “These experiences enhance students’ understanding of global affairs, cultivate critical thinking, communication and collaboration skills. By actively participating in these activities, our students not only enrich their academic pursuits but also develop the necessary competencies to thrive in an increasingly interconnected and diverse world.”

By giving students a greater understanding of European governance, MacRae is helping to fulfil the University Academic Plan‘s goal of advancing global engagement and bring its new Internationalization and Global Engagement Strategy to life.

Ceremony celebrates Pride Month with York University community

York Pride 2024 Ceremony

A ceremony to celebrate Pride Month on June 4 at York University’s Vari Hall Rotunda was attended by staff, faculty, students and other University community members who took part in the day’s events organized by the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion in collaboration with the Office of Institutional Events.

Beginning with opening remarks, the event featured a flag unfurling ceremony and booths to share information about 2SLGBTQIA+ resources and services available at York U. Attendees were also invited to enjoy free treats provided by the Office of the Vice-Provost Students and snap a selfie with mascot Yeo.

See a photo gallery of the event below. Visit York University’s Pride Month website to learn more.

Pride Event 2024-48

Lions Cup raises record proceeds for varsity student-athletes

Members of York Athletics & Recreation pose with Lions Cup Tournament cheque
Members of York University Athletics & Recreation pose with Lions mascot, Yeo, at the annual Lions Cup golf tournament.

It was a successful day on the links on May 28, as York University Athletics & Recreation hosted the 21st annual Lions Cup Golf Tournament, presented by TD Insurance, in support of bursaries for York Lions varsity student-athletes. $160,500 was raised through pre-event registration, while another donation of $5,000 was made on the day of the event, bringing the total to $165,500 – a new Lions Cup record.

This year’s event saw 104 golfers take to the greens at King’s Riding Golf Club in King City, Ont., with the common goal to provide financial assistance to York Lions student-athletes. As has been the case in previous years, the event featured several competitions along the course, including driving, chipping and putting accuracy challenges, the longest drive competition, closest to the pin and a beat-the-pro contest.

A number of York’s student-athletes – reaping the benefits of the funds raised – were on site to actively engage with golfers, fostering valuable relationships with professionals in their fields of study as they prepare for careers of their own.

Originally dubbed the Chair’s Cup in 2001, the Lions Cup carries a rich history. Its creators – Marshall Cohen, the former Chair of the York University Board of Governors, his wife Judi and Guy Burry, current Chair of the York University Pension Fund Investment Committee and longtime men’s hockey coach – had a visionary goal: to establish an event that not only raised much-needed funds but also forged bonds among friends, alumni and community partners. In recent years, under Burry’s leadership, the event has centred on bolstering varsity student-athletes by committing all money raised to athletic bursaries.

“These bursaries are possible thanks to the generous contributions of donors and sponsors of our long-standing tournament,” said Bart Zemanek, director of development at York University Athletics & Recreation. “Their support is crucial in cultivating a culture of excellence in Athletics & Recreation, providing Lions student-athletes with the resources to achieve their goals, both in the classroom and within their given sport.”

For a complete list of this year’s tournament sponsors and donors, visit the Lions Cup Golf Tournament web page.

Annual Walk with Excellence to celebrate achievements of local high-school graduates

2016 Walk with Excellence

Now in its 11th year, the Walk with Excellence is an annual event that celebrates the achievements of graduating students from high schools in Toronto’s Jane and Finch community. Signifying the beginning of their journey to post-secondary education, the event – taking place this year on Thursday, June 6 – will see over 500 graduating students walk from five local high schools onto York University’s Keele Campus.

The students’ supportive teachers and administrators will be cheering them on along the way, and all York University community members are invited join in welcoming the students onto the Keele Campus in true York U style.

“The Walk with Excellence signals new beginnings and a new season,” said Itah Sadu, founder of the Walk with Excellence and a York University honorary degree recipient. “Walking with the graduating students in this annual urban rite of passage is pure joy.”

Organized by a coalition of community partners – including the York University-TD Community Engagement Centre, local school principals and high-school leaders, the Blackhurst Cultural Centre and A Different Booklist – the Walk with Excellence will feature brief musical performances from each participating high school, remarks from community leaders and Toronto poet laureate Lillian Allen reading a poem she wrote specifically for the event. Organizers look forward to presenting several bursaries this year, generously funded by CUPE Local 4400/Toronto Education Workers, Blackhurst Cultural Centre and York University.

“We are proud to stand alongside our students and school board partners in celebrating the hard work and dedication that define the Jane and Finch community’s collective journey toward excellence,” said Byron Gray, manager of the York University-TD Community Engagement Centre. “Together, we are fostering a brighter future for all.”

All York University community members are invited to take part in the event by cheering for students as they enter the Keele Campus and witnessing the presentation of scholarships and remarks. The students are expected to arrive in front of Vari Hall at approximately 11:30 a.m.

Those who cannot attend or would like to further support the cause can consider contributing to Vice-Provost Academic Marcia Annisette’s Walk with Excellence campaign for 2025, which will offer bursaries to five future York U students – one from each of the five participating high schools.

“This event exemplifies the power of community, resilience and academic achievement,” said Annisette. “It is our vision that a newly initiated campaign will engage all of York University in funding an ongoing Walk with Excellence Bursary.”

York University celebrates Pride

Pride Month banner 2023

Voir la version française

Dear York community,

Since its founding, Pride has been more than a celebration of sexual and gender diversity and of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities. It is a call to advocacy and action to counteract interlocked forms of social injustice, the effects of stigma on physical and mental health, and the imposition of rigid norms on individuals’ identities and self-expression.

York answers this call by:

  • enacting equity workplace policies and practices, this year earning recognition as one of Canada’s Best Diversity Employers;
  • supporting the learning of York students, faculty and staff, 700 of whom have received training regarding sex and gender discrimination by York’s Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion;
  • generating research and resources regarding the complexity of gender and sexuality, such as Professor You-Ta Chuang’s research study to further understand the prevalence of workplace discrimination against LGBTQ2S+ employees in Canada and how they cope, and the 2SLGBTQ+ Poverty Project led by professor Nick Mulé;
  • encouraging our community to take action by implementing the principles of York’s Decolonizing, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (DEDI) Strategy and by accessing the DEDI Toolkit; and
  • collaborating with external community organizations on projects such as the Art Gallery of York University’s BeadsAgainstFascism, a fundraiser for Maggie’s Toronto, a QT/BIPOC, 2SLGBTQIA+ led sex worker organization.

We invite you to visit the Pride website to learn more about how you can play a part in affirming 2SLGBTQIA+ rights at York and beyond. There, you will find the events calendar and opportunities to join us for events throughout Pride Month, including the flag unfurling on Tuesday, June 4 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. in the Vari Hall Rotunda.

Thank you. Merci. Miigwech.

Rhonda L. Lenton
President & Vice-Chancellor      

Laina Y. Bay-Cheng
Interim Vice-President, Equity, People & Culture

L’Université York célèbre la Fierté

Pride Month banner 2023

Chère communauté de York,

Depuis sa création, la Fierté est plus qu’une célébration de la diversité sexuelle et de genre et des communautés 2ELGBTQIA+. Il s’agit d’un appel à la sensibilisation et à l’action pour contrer les formes imbriquées d’injustice sociale, les effets de la stigmatisation sur la santé physique et mentale, et l’imposition de normes rigides sur les identités et l’expression des individus.

York répond à cet appel en :

  • mettant en œuvre des politiques et des pratiques d’équité sur le lieu de travail, ce qui lui a valu cette année d’être reconnue comme l’un des meilleurs employeurs canadiens en matière de diversité;
  • soutenant l’apprentissage des membres de la communauté étudiante, du corps professoral et du personnel de York, dont 700 ont reçu une formation sur la discrimination sexuelle et de genre par le Centre pour les droits de la personne, de l’équité et de l’inclusion de York;
  • générant des recherches et des ressources sur la complexité du genre et de la sexualité, comme l’étude du professeur You-Ta Chuang visant à mieux comprendre la prévalence de la discrimination sur le lieu de travail à l’encontre des employés 2ELGBTQ+ au Canada et la manière dont ils y font face, ainsi que le projet 2SLGBTQ+ Poverty in Canada project dirigé par le professeur Nick Mulé;
  • encourageant notre communauté à agir en mettant en œuvre les principes de la stratégie de décolonisation, d’équité, de diversité et d’inclusion (DEDI) de York et en accédant à la boîte à outils DEDI;
  • collaborant avec des organisations communautaires externes sur des projets tels que BeadsAgainstFascism de la GAUY, une collecte de fonds pour Maggie’s Toronto, une organisation de travailleuses et travailleurs du sexe dirigée par des membres QT/PANDC 2ELGBTQIA+.

Nous vous invitons à visiter le site Web de la Fierté pour en savoir plus sur la manière dont vous pouvez jouer un rôle dans l’affirmation des droits des personnes 2ELGBTQIA+ à York et ailleurs. Vous y trouverez le calendrier des événements et les possibilités de vous joindre à nous pour les événements du Mois de la Fierté, y compris le déploiement du drapeau le mardi 4 juin de 13 h à 14 h 30 dans la rotonde du Pavillon Vari.

Merci. Thank you. Miigwech.

Rhonda L. Lenton
Présidente et vice-chancelière      

Laina Y. Bay-Cheng
Vice-présidente intérimaire de l’équité, des personnes et de la culture

Join the York community for a virtual town hall on June 10

Aerial view of Kaneff Tower

Voir la version française

Dear York community, 

On behalf of the president of York University, we invite you to attend a virtual town hall on Monday, June 10, where we will share the multi-year budget approved by the Board of Governors. The town hall will focus on how we can all work together to advance York’s academic plan in a financially sustainable manner. Following the presentation, we invite your questions and comments.

Participants are required to register for the town hall in advance using their York U email (i.e. email addresses must end in to be valid for registration).

Questions and comments can be submitted prior to and during the event by emailing Learn more about the upcoming event on the Community Conversations website.

Date: Monday, June 10
Time: 10 to 11:30 a.m.  
Link to register:


Rhonda Lenton 
President & Vice-Chancellor  

Le 10 juin, joignez-vous à la communauté de York pour une conversation communautaire virtuelle

Aerial view of Kaneff Tower

Chers membres de la communauté de York,

Au nom de la présidente de l’Université York, nous vous invitons à participer à une conversation communautaire virtuelle le lundi 10 juin, au cours de laquelle nous vous présenterons le budget pluriannuel approuvé par le conseil d’administration.La conversation communautairese concentrera sur la manière dont nous pouvons travailler ensemble pour mettre en œuvre le Plan académique de York d’une manière financièrement durable. Après la présentation, nous vous inviterons à poser toutes vos questions.

Les participants doivent s’inscrire à l’avance à la conversation communautaire en utilisant leur courriel de l’Université York (qui doit se terminer par pour être valable).

Vous pouvez soumettre vos questions et vos commentaires avant et pendant l’événement en envoyant un courriel à Pour en savoir plus sur l’événement, visitez le site Web des Conversations communautaires.

Date : Lundi 10 juin
Heure : De 10 h à 11 h 30   
Lien pour s’inscrire :

Sincères salutations,   

Rhonda Lenton
Présidente et vice-chancelière   

Bike Month kicks off with Transportation Services

Keele campus bikes trees Lassonde

Join York University’s Transportation Services Department to kick off Bike Month – a month-long celebration of cycling across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area – on June 5 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in front of Vari Hall (VH Plaza) on the Keele Campus. 

During the month of June, Transportation Services is partnering with Bike Share Toronto, Cycle York and Smart Commute to celebrate Bike Month by offering York University community members a range of bike-friendly resources, including Toronto cycling maps, quick bike repairs and safety handbooks. At the June 5 event, attendees can ask questions to event partners, compete for prizes, and learn about local cycling infrastructure, related services and the benefits of bikes as a form of sustainable travel.

The annual celebration of Bike Month at York University highlights the institution’s commitment to ensuring sustainable travel options are available across its multi-campus network.  

York University was the first institution in the Greater Toronto Area to partner with Bike Share Toronto in 2021, eventually leading to three Bike Share stations being established on the Keele and Glendon campuses. This strategic partnership helped strengthen the cycling culture across university campuses and helped promote sustainable transportation.

These efforts, among others, led York University to be named a Best University for Commuters – the first institution in Canada to receive this designation. Among many reasons for the recognition, the University’s cycling infrastructure and resources – including secured bike enclosures and four do-it-yourself repair stations – were an important factor, providing cyclists with peace of mind and flexibility while navigating York’s campuses on two wheels. The designation reflects York’s commitment to providing a variety of sustainable commuting options aimed at reducing the carbon footprint of students, faculty, instructors and staff.  

Over the years, the expansion of York University’s cycling infrastructure has been equally matched by community adoption, contributing to the University’s mission to reach its new accelerated target of net-zero emissions by 2040

For more information, visit the official Bike Month website or the Transportation Services website throughout the month of June.

Osgoode event celebrates a decade of supporting internationally trained lawyers

Lawyers working with Lady Justice looking on

For its 10th anniversary, Osgoode’s Internationally Trained Lawyers Day (OITLD), organized by York University’s Osgoode Professional Development (OsgoodePD), is growing into a two-day event. The expansion is a reflection of the rising success and contributions of internationally trained lawyers (ITLs) across Canada, eager to share their journeys with attendees.

When the event first launched in 2015, its mission was to bring together legal employers, lawyers and law graduates from around the world to learn, share, celebrate and advance internationally trained talent across Canada.

Since its inception, the event has been an extension of OsgoodePD’s year-round dedication to supporting internationally trained lawyers as they navigate the unique challenges of practising law in Canada – be it cultural nuances, unfamiliar legal systems or regulatory requirements.

Initially, the event focused primarily on Canadian legal professionals offering guidance to ITLs and National Committee on Accreditation (NCA) candidates who represented a growing cohort of aspiring lawyers from Osgoode. However, as OITLD approaches its 10th year, it has evolved.

Over the past decade, numerous international legal candidates have acquired the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the Canadian legal landscape. Many have advanced to senior and decision-making roles, significantly contributing to the Canadian legal community. These individuals are now becoming mentors, sharing their insights and experiences with incoming ITLs who are in the same shoes they once were.

With the increased number of alumni and ITLs willing to share their stories, Osgoode’s event has, for the first time, expanded to a two-day event. This extension allows for more panels and sessions, highlighting the wealth of experience and success stories within the community.

The event will feature nine panels, including specialized sessions from current OsgoodePD students and alumni as well as organizations such as the Black Female Lawyers Network, the Canadian Hispanic Bar Association, the NCA and the Law Practice Program.

New session highlights for in-person attendees will include a speed mentoring session, which offers attendees the chance to build valuable connections and engage in quick, impactful interactions with an assortment of Internationally Trained Lawyer mentors providing first-hand experience in accreditation, licensing, job recruitment and professional development.

Additionally, a workshop will offer assistance on the art of the cover letter and CV, tailored specifically for ITLs. The session will provide practical tips and insights on crafting compelling cover letters and CVs that stand out in the competitive legal job market and showcase international experience and legal skills to potential employers. The event will be hosted by Danielle Laflamme, a respected senior manager of professional recruiting and student programs at Borden Ladner Gervais LLP in Ottawa.

There will also be panels featuring current students and alumni. One – titled “ITL Stories: NCA Process, Job Recruitment, and Licensing” – will provide first-hand accounts from those who have successfully navigated the NCA process, secured employment and obtained their legal licences in Canada. Its goal is to offer invaluable insights and inspiration for those who have already been through the process.

The event will draw too on the community by featuring an academic conference, presented by current students and alumni of Osgoode who are ITLs, that will highlight research, case studies and papers that reflect their perspectives and contributions to the legal field – and celebrate their academic achievements and intellectual contributions to the community.

A special highlight of the two-day celebration will be a keynote address from Justice Lorne Sossin, a former professor and dean of Osgoode Hall Law School, now appointed to the Court of Appeal for Ontario. Sossin will share insights and reflections on the evolving landscape of law and the significant role of ITLs in shaping it.

For more information about the event and to register (before May 27), visit the OITLD event’s website.