Alum invited to prestigious Venice Biennale art showcase

Gondola in Venice BANNER

Abraham Onoriode Oghobase, an alumnus of York University’s Graduate Program in Visual Art, has been invited to the Venice Biennale in Italy, where the art world annually converges for a prestigious showcase of contemporary art.

Abraham Onoriode Oghobase
Abraham Onoriode Oghobase

Born in Lagos, Nigeria, Oghobase pursues photography-based work that tackles themes of knowledge production, land, colonial history and representation, prompting viewers to reconsider familiar narratives and question established power structures.

In Venice, Oghobase is part of a select group of artists chosen to represent Nigeria in the country’s second-ever pavilion at the Biennale, which is acknowledged as one of the most prestigious cultural institutions that stands at the forefront of research and promotion of new contemporary art trends.

Titled “Nigeria Imaginary,” the pavilion presents an exploration of history and culture, filling a semi-restored palazzo in Venice’s Dorsoduro district with projects that offer nuanced perspectives on Nigeria’s past and present.

Oghobase’s pieces – a selection of images from four bodies of his work – featured in the pavilion challenge conventional narratives through digital manipulation and strategic appropriation of colonial imagery. These artworks prompt new perspectives on memory and contest established power dynamics.

Nigerian Pavillion in Venice
Oghobase’s work in Venice.

“It definitely signifies an acknowledgement of my practice in some ways, which, to be honest, gives one a boost of confidence to continue on your path,” Oghobase says, regarding the significance of the inclusion in this year’s Biennale.

It isn’t the only boost he’s received as a voice in contemporary art. Oghobase’s work has been exhibited in renowned institutions worldwide, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto, establishing him as a leading voice in contemporary art. The exhibition in Venice has also recently be covered by the New York Times.

The Venice Biennale will run from April 20 to Nov. 24.

Grads innovate skincare with cutting-edge technology


Anna Kotova and Ksenia Timonina, former York University PhD students, converge science and cosmetics in their venture Agenek – a gene diagnostic skincare company that leverages emerging technology in innovative ways.

The root of Agenek – which offers personalized skincare reports and recommendations – began after Kotova and Timonina’s graduate studies in the Department of Biology at York.

A focus on molecular biology and genetics laid the foundation for their venture, as their shared expertise and passion for understanding genetic mechanisms naturally led them to explore innovative applications in skincare technology. 

Notably, they recognized the potential of transcriptomic analysis, which looks at ribonucleic acid (RNA), which has structural similarities to DNA.

“While the DNA testing market may be saturated, we are pioneering the use of RNA biology to develop a direct-to-consumer skin test for personalized skincare,” explains Kotova.

Their company’s groundbreaking transcriptomic analysis dives deep into the RNA molecules within facial skin cells, offering dynamic insights into skin health. It differs from DNA-based tests, providing a comprehensive view of the skin’s current condition and guiding personalized recommendations based on gene expression profiles. The methodology is unique to the beauty industry, placing Agenek at the forefront of personalized skincare solutions, Kotova says.

The process begins with a testing kit ordered from Agenek’s website, which includes a microneedle patch applied to the skin for 10 minutes. The sample is then sent to the company’s Kitchener, Ont., laboratory, while users provide additional insights via a digital questionnaire. Then, Agenek delivers a personalized report outlining unique skin needs and customized product recommendations. 

Through the analysis of gene expression profiles, Agenek identifies specific “problem genes” and provides targeted recommendations for existing skin-care products, empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their skincare routines.

Supported by YSpace ELLA Women Accelerator, Lab2Market, MaRS and other agencies, Agenek benefits from a robust network offering essential resources and guidance to Kotova and Timonina to scale their innovative skincare venture.

A future goal is to advance skincare science while offering individuals enhanced skincare options, potentially improving their quality of life.

“We hope to empower individuals to better understand their skin’s unique needs and make informed decisions about skincare products and treatments,” Kotova says. “By providing comprehensive insights into gene expression profiles and offering tailored recommendations, we seek to improve overall skin health and confidence.”

York University announces 2024 Top 30 Alumni Under 30

Top 30 Alumni banner

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York University has announced its Top 30 Alumni Under 30 for 2024. This distinguished group of alumni under the age of 30 have displayed exemplary leadership and volunteerism to address deep and complex social challenges – both locally and globally.

“The York University Top 30 Alumni Under 30 program showcases the remarkable work that York’s young alumni have done to create positive change at home and abroad,” says Julie Lafford, assistant vice-president, alumni engagement. “The 2024 cohort is an accomplished group featuring creative artists, innovators in science, business leaders and champions for social justice.

Dael Vasquez
Dael Vasquez

The 2024 recipients have applied the skills, knowledge and learning experiences they gained at York towards community service that benefits the public good.

“I was humbled and incredibly thankful to receive this tremendous honour,” says Dael Vasquez, a 2024 recipient. “This recognition is a great opportunity to highlight the transformative impact that youth can have when they apply everyday skills in research, writing and community relations.”

Launched in 2021, York’s Top 30 Alumni Under 30 program seeks to highlight the success and diversity of the University’s alumni community, while inspiring the next generation of young alumni leaders. To view the full list of 2024 recipients, and learn more about them, visit the Top 30 Alumni Under 30 web page.

L’Université York annonce ses 30 meilleurs diplômés de moins de 30 ans pour 2024

Top 30 Alumni banner

L’Université York annonce ses 30 meilleurs diplômés de moins de 30 ans pour l’année 2024. Ce groupe de diplômées et diplômés admirables, tous âgés de moins de 30 ans, a fait preuve d’un leadership et d’un bénévolat exemplaires pour relever des défis sociaux majeurs et complexes à l’échelle locale et mondiale.

« Le programme des 30 meilleurs diplômés de moins de 30 ans de l’Université York reconnaît le travail remarquable que les jeunes diplômés de York ont accompli pour créer des changements positifs dans leur pays et à l’étranger », a déclaré Julie Lafford, vice-présidente adjointe, engagement des diplômés. La cohorte 2024 comprend des esprits créatifs, des innovateurs et innovatrices scientifiques, des leaders d’entreprise et des champions et championnes de la justice sociale.

Les lauréates et lauréats de 2024 ont appliqué les compétences, connaissances et expériences d’apprentissage acquises à York à des services communautaires qui profitent au bien collectif. 

Dael Vasquez
Dael Vasquez

« C’est avec humilité et une immense gratitude que j’ai reçu cet honneur exceptionnel, a déclaré Dael Vasquez, lauréat de 2024. Cette reconnaissance est une excellente occasion de souligner l’effet transformateur que les jeunes peuvent avoir lorsqu’ils mettent en pratique leurs compétences quotidiennes en matière de recherche, de rédaction et de relations avec la communauté. »

Lancé en 2021, le programme des 30 meilleurs diplômés de moins de 30 ans de York vise à mettre en évidence le succès et la diversité de la communauté des diplômés de l’Université, tout en inspirant la prochaine génération de jeunes leaders.

Pour consulter la liste complète des meilleurs diplômés de moins de 30 ans pour 2024 et pour en savoir plus à leur sujet, visitez la page Web des 30 meilleurs diplômés de moins de 30 ans.

Alum explores history of AIDS films, videos


Filmmaker, activist and York University alumnus Ryan Conrad has launched a new book, Radical VIHsion: Canadian AIDS Film & Video, marking the latest accomplishment in two decades of artistic and academic work – parts of it completed at York – examining the impact of AIDS on Canadian society and culture.

Comprising interviews and critical essays, including some by other York scholars, Conrad’s edited anthology explores the history of Canadian AIDS film and video, with a particular focus on the significance of the public access cable television program Toronto Living With AIDS from 1990 to ’91.

Ryan Conrad
Ryan Conrad

Created and co-ordinated by the late video maker and AIDS activist Michael Balser with York film Professor John Greyson, the program played a crucial role in addressing the HIV-AIDS crisis through community-driven media collaborations. The series paired artists with community organizations to create much-needed educational tapes – that were also culturally appropriate and engaging – about living with and preventing the spread of HIV.

As the book’s principal researcher and editor, Conrad conducted detailed historical work on the Toronto Living With AIDS series, including its creators, public reception, circulation and censorship by Rogers Cable, uncovering previously untold stories.

The project began at York where, as a recent Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada Postdoctoral Fellow in Cinema and Media Studies, Conrad worked closely with Janine Marchessault, a Tier One Research Chair in Media Arts and Community Engagement who recently received the prestigious Killam Prize, to preserve AIDS activism and history in media.

Conrad’s work forms an integral component of Marchessault’s Archive/Counter-Archive initiative, which seeks to safeguard the audiovisual cultural heritage of marginalized communities.

Conrad’s presentation, “AIDS Activist Media: Toronto Living with AIDS & Second Decade,” presented last July at York University’s Congress 2023 event, further spotlighted ongoing efforts for representation and advocacy within 2SLGBTQIA+ communities.

Conrad, 41, has been participating in activism, researching, writing and making films about HIV-AIDS for nearly two decades. A cultural studies scholar whose work also encompasses queer theory and identity, he is co-founder of the U.S.-based collective Against Equality, which challenges “assimilationist tendencies” in mainstream 2SLGBTQIA+ movements – the subject of his 2011 book Against Equality: Queer Revolution, Not Mere Inclusion.

“Against Equality is not an organization, nor is it a movement. We are merely an archive, and I try to be really humble about what we are doing as a collective and what role we play in the broader social and economic justice movements,” Conrad said in a previously published interview.

“That being said, I think our archive has been influential to some degree in opening up space for more people to have discussions about what kind of political work can and should be prioritized to benefit the greatest number of queer and trans people,” he said. “A vanguardist professional political elite from the gay and lesbian non-profit industrial complex dictating the priorities of a group of people is something we rally against and is a top-down model we aren’t looking to recreate.”

In that way, he has something in common with the archive: through works like Radical VIHsion: Canadian AIDS Film & Video he is opening up overlooked parts of history, and important discussions, around the experiences of 2SLGBTQIA+ people.

President presents Jane Goodall with honorary degree at special convocation ceremony 

Lenton and Goodall

The following is President and Vice-Chancellor Rhonda Lenton’s address at the Honorary Degree Convocation Ceremony in April 2024: 

Dear faculty, staff, guests and to our students in the audience today, bonjour and boozhoo.

I am delighted to welcome all of you to this special celebration in honour of our exceptional honorary degree recipient, Dr. Jane Goodall.

Science paints a bleak picture of our future.

Failure to respond to the damaging effects of climate change is already evident in the loss of biodiversity, environmental degradation, increased risk to water and food security, intensifying suffering and loss of life of humans and animals, not to mention magnifying political conflicts and social inequality around the world.

The One Health approach acknowledges that humans, animals and the environment are interconnected, and that in order to advance one, we must fight for the health of all three.

We are at an inflection point: will we take individual and collective action and work together to identify and develop solutions that will ensure our planetary well-being? Or will we be complacent or even deny the evidence affecting us all?

Looking toward the people we have on stage and in the audience, we know that we have the talent, the diversity of ideas and the commitment to shape the actions that need to be taken. 

Like many of you, I have long been inspired by Dr. Goodall’s legacy.

Throughout her life, Jane Goodall has conducted groundbreaking research, advanced conservation and environmental stewardship, and inspired advocacy for our planet and all its inhabitants. 

Jane, it is an absolute honour to have you here with us today to recognize the remarkable impact you have made across the world. I know I speak on behalf of all of York when I say that your achievements are an inspiration to us all. 

Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do, and congratulations on this very well-deserved recognition.

At York University, we recognize the importance of convening people and ideas for meaningful action. 

Since its inception, York has been a progressive, research-intensive University committed to enhancing the well-being of the communities we serve by supporting research excellence, interdisciplinary knowledge translation and collaborative partnerships that drive positive change, both locally and globally.

Advancing sustainability is a goal that underscores everything we do, which is why our University Academic Plan includes an institutional challenge to strengthen our contributions to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

Our impact is well noted – we have been recognized as a global leader for five consecutive years in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, where we currently rank in the world’s top 40 for our impact on the SDGs.

Each of the Faculties represented here today – Science, Health and the Lassonde School of Engineering – have played a critical role in elevating our sustainability leadership with cutting-edge initiatives such as:

  • the UNITAR Global Water Academy – a joint initiative led by York in collaboration with UNITAR and various other partners to address the global water crisis, which is led by inaugural director Professor Sapna Sharma from the Faculty of Science;
  • Connected Minds – a groundbreaking, collaborative, $318.4-million research initiative led by York in partnership with Queen’s that is creating an international hub of expertise in socially responsible research and technology; 
  • numerous projects by Lassonde that promote green energy solutions and a reduction in greenhouse gases – including a dynamic project undertaken in partnership with Stronach International to develop and test a new generation of affordable, electric micro-mobility vehicles.

At the institutional level, we have announced ambitious goals to achieve net zero by 2040 or sooner. And we are well positioned to meet these aspirations through our various decarbonization initiatives. 

For example, through a recent partnership with Noventa Energy Partners, the York community will leverage leading technology to convert wastewater into thermal energy, an initiative that could see Glendon become the first net-zero campus in Canada.

We continue to move the dial on education, research and partnerships across our campuses – from Toronto to Costa Rica to India – to support the SDGs, but each and every one of us must do more to support global co-operation that translates ideas, research and partnerships into positive change. There is, perhaps, nothing more important than this endeavour. For people like Dr. Goodall, it has become a hallmark of her life’s work – and it is incumbent upon us to carry this forward.

As our talented faculty, staff, contract instructors, alumni, students, and honorary doctorates have proven time and time again, individual actions matter, and by fostering dialogue and collective action, we can build a brighter, more sustainable future for all.

Jane, congratulations once again, and I look forward to hearing more from you shortly.

Thank you all once again for joining us today and for being part of this very special occasion. 

Merci. Miigwetch.

Alumna’s acclaimed film follows Indian family’s fight for justice

Still from documentary film "To Kill a Tiger"

By Lindsay MacAdam, communications officer, YFile

It is often said that every action, no matter how small, has the potential to shift the trajectory of one’s life.

For York University alumna Cornelia Principe (BA ’91), a decision to participate in a for-credit internship program at media organization TVO in the final year of her undergraduate studies opened her eyes to a career in film and led her on a path to becoming an award-winning documentary producer – a profession that, as a communications and psychology double major, hadn’t previously been on her radar at all.

Cornelia Principe
Cornelia Principe

“If I hadn’t gone to York and done a fourth-year internship at TVO, I probably wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing now,” she admits.

And that would be a shame, since her body of work – which includes producing 11 feature-length documentary films, two documentary short films and one television series – has since graced the screens of over 100 national and international film festivals and been broadcast all over the world, earning her global acclaim and recognition.

This past January, Principe was happily surprised to learn the film she had worked on as a producer for eight years, To Kill a Tiger, had earned a Best Documentary Feature Film nomination from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences – the ultimate goal for many in the movie business.

“It’s really nice to say you’re an Oscar-nominated documentary producer,” says Principe, “but it’s not why I do what I do. It’s not what drives me.”

To Kill a Tiger follows the harrowing journey of a poor rice farmer in a small Indian village as he embarks on an unprecedented quest to demand justice after the assault of his 13-year-old daughter. It tackles themes of gender-based violence, toxic masculinity and allyship, and confronts – head-on – the culture of silence and complicity surrounding sexual assault in India, where a rape is reported every 20 minutes and conviction rates are less than 30 per cent.

“It’s giving voice to millions who have never had a voice before,” says York film Professor Manfred Becker, who served as a story editor on the project, “and that is why we make films.”

Although To Kill a Tiger did not take home the Oscar at the at the 96th Academy Awards in March, Principe believes the attention brought to the film – and its important message – through the nomination is worth much more than the award itself.

Nisha Pahuja, the film’s director, worked tirelessly after post-production wrapped to get the film into the hands of the right people who could help her expand its reach and, as a result, its impact. Hollywood A-listers Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Mindy Kaling and Dev Patel – all of Indian descent – were brought on board as executive producers after the film was completed as part of this strategic publicity approach, which resulted in much media buzz and the film’s high-profile acquisition by streaming service Netflix prior to the Academy Awards.

Principe had been friends with Pahuja for years before they began working together; they collaborated on two documentaries and then decided to raise money to make a film about masculinity and gender equality in India. The idea came about when Pahuja was touring around the country screening their previous documentary, The World Before Her, and the men’s reactions to it caught her attention.

“Many Indian men who saw it were surprised and saddened by what they realized was cultural, systemic gender discrimination,” says Principe. “It opened their eyes to something they had not really thought about before.”

After doing some research, Pahuja came across a non-governmental organization (NGO) called the Centre for Health & Social Justice that works with groups of men in rural India to help them reflect on their masculinity, their choices and their role in the oppression of women in hopes of creating a more just country. Pahuja mentioned this to Principe, who was instantly intrigued.

“When she started talking about this NGO, my eyes lit up,” says Principe. “So many films about issues around women’s rights focus on women, which is great. But at a certain point, you need to focus on where the problem is, which is usually men.”

As Pahuja began filming for this new project and working with the NGO, she pursued several narrative threads that explored the subject of masculinity in India. During the process, she stumbled upon Ranjit, who would eventually become the protagonist in To Kill a Tiger, after consultation with another York community member.

Manfred Becker
Manfred Becker

After about three and a half years of filming and two long years of editing, trying to blend the many storylines together to form a cohesive narrative, Pahuja and Principe were frustrated, realizing they couldn’t make the film they originally wanted to. They enlisted the help of two story editors, including Becker, who has been an editor, writer and director for many years, and whom the filmmakers had both worked with in the past.

Becker offered his expertise and viewed a dozen or so cuts of the film over about a year’s time, provided detailed comments and took part in Zoom sessions where the team mulled over possibilities of how to tell the story. Soon, they reached the conclusion that this film needed to focus on Ranjit and his fight for justice, and that the other stories should be saved for something else.

“It took us months to come to terms with that, because we had spent six years married to this idea of making this bigger film about masculinity,” explains Principe. “And in the end, it is about masculinity, but just through one story.”

Beyond securing a place on this year’s Oscars shortlist, To Kill a Tiger has been recognized widely for its cinematic excellence, winning the Ted Rogers Best Feature Length Documentary award at the 2023 Canadian Screen Awards; being named Best Documentary at the 2023 Palm Springs International Film Festival; and winning the Amplify Voices Award for Best Canadian Feature Film at the 2022 Toronto International Film Festival.

“It’s really a triumph of the persistence of its makers, and of documentary as an art for change,” says Becker, of the eight-year-long process to get this film made.

It was worth the wait.

Alumna leads unique climate action initiative

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Bhabna Banerjee, a former Global Leader of Tomorrow Award recipient who graduated from York University in 2020, has come up with a novel way to address the climate crisis: Planet Anomaly, an organization focused on climate storytelling and data visualization.

Bhabna Banerjee

Back in April 2022, Banerjee – a Vancouver-based data journalist and illustrator – was on a return visit to her hometown of Kolkata, India. While there, she observed the profound impact of climate anomalies on the lives of people there. From worsening pollution to water stress caused by floods and the rising cost of essential produce, the effects of climate change were evident in daily life.

“These anomalies,” Banerjee recalled, “had seeped into everyday conversations about new dengue outbreaks during abnormal seasons, changing availability of fish in the nearby seas and rural farmers swarming the city in search of labour after their crops were continuously destroyed by untimely cyclones.”

She was working as a data journalist at the time and knew there were mountains of climate data available that could help people get a sense of the enormity of these occurrences, as well as their potential impact, she said.

“Yet, there were no accessible or reliable sources of news that could provide them with any information or opportunity for preventative action. The educational barriers also made it hard for most to grasp concepts and acknowledge factors that were affecting their environments.”

Enter Planet Anomaly, which aims to bridge the gap between scientific data and public understanding, using design thinking to simplify complex concepts for non-specialist audiences.

“I started Planet Anomaly to build a platform that could explain climate science concepts regardless of people’s educational backgrounds,” explained Banerjee, emphasizing the importance of a balanced approach to climate reporting, one that acknowledges the severity of the crisis while highlighting solutions and opportunities for preventative action.

Her goal, she said, is for the organization to help produce “illustrated journalistic pieces that democratize climate data to empower diverse audiences worldwide to make vital decisions and be resilient about the changing climate.”

Establishing Planet Anomaly was shaped by her interdisciplinary education and experiences at York University. As an undergraduate student, Banerjee pursued her interests in art, science and storytelling, honing her skills in media and visual journalism.

“Throughout my program,” she said, “I found my AMPD [Faculty of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design] peers to be exceptionally talented, collaborative and inspiring, and I had incredible support from the faculty, particularly my final semester adviser Carol Anna McBride, who constantly inspired us students to think we could leverage our creative skills to bring meaningful change once we stepped out into the world.”

Banerjee’s commitment to addressing climate change extends beyond her organization’s work.

Following the devastation caused by Cyclone Amphan in Kolkata, she initiated a fundraising campaign to support affected communities, demonstrating her dedication to making a difference in her home country. She has also contributed work on climate change, food insecurity, migration and other social justice issues for the World Economic Forum, as well as for Forbes magazine and other media outlets.

Looking ahead, Banerjee is set to begin a master’s in data journalism at Stanford University in September, where she plans to further explore innovative approaches to climate storytelling. With her unique blend of skills and experiences, she hopes to establish Planet Anomaly as a leading platform for equitable access to climate information and drive meaningful change.

“I’m certain that an advanced degree in journalism would help me develop a better understanding of the nuances of climate storytelling,” Banerjee said.

“I’m excited to continue to innovate with my cohort on how we can fill the existing gaps and better disseminate information and data in the evolving media landscape.”

Memorial scholarship advances refugee studies

refugee with suitcase BANNER

For several years now, the Anthony H. Richmond Scholarship, named after the late distinguished professor emeritus at York University, has provided a path for promising graduate student researchers to advance important research in refugee studies.

Richmond, who died in 2017, was an academic known for his commitment to scholarly life, sense of fairness and unwavering advocacy for marginalized communities. A lifelong Quaker, he played a pivotal role in shaping York University’s Department of Sociology and was a founding member of the York Centre for Refugee Studies.

Anthony H. Richmond
Anthony H. Richmond

The scholarship – established in memory of Richmond by his wife, Freda Richmond, a fellow academic – honours his work by awarding $2,000 annually to graduate-level students conducting research at the intersections of forced migration, immigration, resettlement and environmental changes.

Since its inception in 2020, its funded students have been exploring climate justice education and tree planting campaigns near refugee camps. Its recipients have included students like Mara Mahmud, a master of arts candidate in environmental studies, who investigated the impact of climate change on urban development in Dhaka, Bangladesh, exemplifying the scholarship’s global reach and interdisciplinary nature; and Michael De Santi, a master’s student in civil engineering, who utilized artificial neural networks to enhance water quality in refugee settlements, demonstrating the scholarship’s commitment to tangible solutions for displaced populations.

The latest recipient of the Anthony H. Richmond Scholarship, announced in the fall of 2023, is Dheman Abdi, who is currently pursuing a master of arts in political science. Abdi is dedicated to unravelling the complex dynamics between political migration and anthropogenic climate change in the Horn of Africa, underscoring the scholarship’s relevance in addressing pressing global challenges and advancing knowledge in the region.

The recipients follow in the footsteps of Richmond’s career, which spanned decades and continents, and was marked by a relentless pursuit of social justice and scholarly excellence.

Born in England, Richmond was a student at the London School of Economics and later the University of Liverpool, where he began his pioneering research on race relations and immigration. His first job was as a lecturer in social theory in the Department of Social Study at the University of Edinburgh, during which time he published his first book, The Colour Problem (1955). The second edition of this book, published in 1961, included a new chapter on apartheid in South Africa and brought him his first international recognition, stirring considerable controversy. His book was banned in South Africa until the country’s first free elections in 1994.

He relocated to Canada with his family in 1965, where his impact extended beyond academia, influencing Canadian immigration policy and advocating for racial equality.

Richmond’s published work, including his final book, Global Apartheid: Refugees, Racism and the New World Order (1994), continues to resonate with scholars and activists worldwide, and maintains the relevance of his research in today’s increasingly interconnected world. The Anthony H. Richmond Scholarship continues to do that, too.

York alumnae among Top 25 Women of Influence

Rear view of four diverse women

Three women with affiliations to York University have been recognized in the 2024 Top 25 Women of Influence list for their impact and contributions to driving meaningful progress and to the advancement of women in their respective fields.   

Every year Women of Influence+, a leading global organization dedicated to promoting gender equity in the workplace, announces its list recognizing the achievements and contributions of women who have made significant contributions in their respective fields, driving meaningful progress and change in business and society.

This year, in particular, recipients are recognized for their innovation, leadership and pursuit of gender equity and inclusion.   

“Their accomplishments demonstrate the important role that women play in driving meaningful progress in business and society. Through celebrating their stories, we aim to inspire others to challenge the status quo, paving the way for future generations,” said Rumeet Billan, CEO of Women of Influence+, about the recipients.

Among the list of 2024 recipients are two York alumnae and one honorary degree recipient:

Pamela Farrell (BEd ‘07)  
The founder and executive director of the GROW Community Food Literacy Centre, Canada’s first community food literacy centre, Farrell has sought to provide vulnerable Canadians with access to healthy and culturally relevant foods as well as essential food literacy skills. Her community work has also looked to address health disparities, as well as promote health and social equity. Furthermore, combining her expertise in special education with equity, diversity and inclusion, Farrell looks to play a transformative role in guiding and inspiring the next generation of educators.

Tina Singh (BA ‘04)   
Singh is an occupational therapist, digital content creator and the founder of Bold Helmets, which creates helmets to fit over Sikh kids’ head coverings. As a mother and therapist working in the areas of head and brain injuries, Singh understood the importance of helmets but was unable to find any suitable for her children, leading her to create the first safety-certified, multi-sport helmet for Sikh children.  

Lynn Posluns (LLD [Hon.] ‘19)  
Posluns is the founder, president and CEO of Women’s Brain Health Initiative, the only organization dedicated to protecting the brain health of women, caregivers and families. Through this initiative, she has raised awareness of women’s cognitive brain health and the inequity in women’s brain aging research, funding and preventative health programs.