Approved YFile tags

YFile uses an approved list of YFile tags to guide its tagging conventions.
A request for up to five of these tags to be assigned to a specific story will be considered by YFile with each online story submission. Please note: YFile tags are not to be confused with keywords or hashtags. Read more about YFile Tagging Conventions.

Approved YFile tags

About the approved YFile tags

The six factors that guide the development of the approved YFile tag list are:

  1. core York University (tags referencing high-level, pan-University and institutional
  2. York U campuses/Faculties/schools (tags specific to these locations/units);
  3. York U non-academic units/departments (tags specific to these areas);
  4. York U pan-University events/activities/people (tags for convocation, sports,
    staff etc.);
  5. York U non-academic initiatives (tags for well-being, labour, partnerships); and
  6. categories of common content in YFile (teaching and learning, innovation, refugee).