York U in the news: CBC vs. Twitter, experimental vision treatment and more

Why the CBC should quit Twitter and run its own Mastodon server
Robert W. Gehl, an associate professor in the Department of Communication and Media Studies at York University, was featured in the Toronto Star April 20.

‘5 years ago, there was no hope.’ Now, an artist uses TikTok to raise awareness of a ‘life-changing’ vision treatment
Adam Brown, a second-year music student York University, was featured in CTV News April 20.

The Indie Developers Who Are Using AI to Make Living Cities, Tactics Machines, and More
Yifat Shaik, an assistant professor of computational art at York University, was featured on IGN April 19.

Donald Trump and the dying art of the courtroom sketch | Opinion
Anita Lam, an associate professor in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies at York University, was featured on PennLive.com April 19.

Interim ethics commissioner’s resignation prevents new investigations into Liberal government
Ian Stedman, an assistant professor at the School of Public Policy and Administration at York University, was quoted in the National Post April 19.

Single Use Plastic Bag Ban Creates Unintended Problems in Canada
Calvin Lakhan, a research scientist at the Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change at York University, was quoted in Retail Insider April 19.

According to recent psychology research, sexual spontaneity may not be as important as you think
Katarina Kovacevic, a PhD student at the Sexual Health and Relationship Laboratory at York University, was cited in List 23 April 19.

York presents second annual Sustainable Development Goals virtual teach-in day
York University was featured in Education News Canada April 20.

York among Canada’s Greenest Employers for 11th consecutive year
York University was featured in Education News Canada April 20.

See more ways York University is making headlines at News @ York.