York U in the news: Mental Health Morning, investor advisory panel and more

Indigenous author and historian, Jesse Thistle, to share how he found his way at 10th annual Mental Health Morning event
Jesse Thistle, an assistant professor in the Department of Humanities at York University, was featured in The Hamilton Spectator Jan. 17.

Former MFDA IPC head Dorothy Sanford to chair new investor group
Moshe Arye Milevsky, a professor of finance at the Schulich School of Business at York University, was featured in Advisor.ca Jan. 17.

Obesity: Why might males have a higher risk of heart problems?
Research by Tara Haas, a professor in the Faculty of Health’s School of Kinesiology and Health Science at York University, was cited in HealthMedicinentral Jan. 17.

Opinion: Big Pharma undermines drug price reform
Joel Lexchin, a professor emeritus of Health Policy and Management at York University, was featured in The Winnipeg Free Press Jan. 18.

Newly discovered green comet expected to whiz by Earth
Elaina Hyde, director of the Allan I. Carswell Observatory at York University, and Sarah Rugheimer, Allan I. Carswell Chair for the Public Understanding of Astronomy, were featured in SpaceDaily.com Jan. 18.