STS Seminar Series continues with discussion on COVID-19 and cyber fraud


York University’s Science and Technology Studies (STS) Departmental Seminar Series continues on Feb. 8 at 12:30 p.m., featuring STS graduate student Katelyn Ma. The talk is titled, “COVID-19 and cyber fraud: emerging threats during the pandemic.”  

Katelyn Ma
Katelyn Ma

The emergence of COVID-19 has threatened physical and mental health, and changed the behaviour and decision-making processes of individuals, organizations and institutions worldwide. As many services move online due to the pandemic, COVID-19-themed cyber fraud is increasing.

This discussion will explore cyber fraud victimization and cyber security threats during COVID-19 using psychological and traditional criminological theories. It will also explore a COVID-19-themed cyber fraud typology using empirical evidence from institutional and agency reports. Through organizing COVID-19-themed cyber fraud into four different categorizations, Ma aims to offer classification insights to researchers and industry professionals so that stakeholders can effectively manage emerging cyber fraud risks in the current pandemic. 

Now in its 28th year, the STS Research Seminar Series features seminars on a wide range of STS-related topics. Sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology Studies and coordinated by its members, the series has hosted more than 500 speakers from Canada and around the world. 

All events in the series will run on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 2 p.m. They are all free and open to the public, with no registration required. The talks are delivered via Zoom in the fall term, with delivery for the winter term to be determined. To receive a Zoom link for this event and others in the series, contact STS Professor Conor Douglas, seminar series coordinator, by email at