Dean’s message: Faculty of Health focused on rewarding educational experience

Collage showing DNA, medicine and more

By Paul McDonald

As this issue of “Innovatus” illustrates, we live in a world where rapid and continuous change is the norm. The ability to learn and acclimate are essential. Given this, the pandemic inspired the Faculty of Health to adapt and advance its teaching and learning objectives in new ways.

Paul McDonald
Paul McDonald

Over the past 20 months, our faculty members and students have risen to the challenge of rapidly using remote course delivery by seeing it as an opportunity to be creative while remaining committed to high-quality, mission-relevant education. We were determined to ensure students had the opportunity to complete their programs and develop the attributes they need for personal and career development. We have worked continuously throughout the pandemic to enhance the educational quality and delivery of courses.

The Faculty of Health is proud to support innovations in teaching that target 21st-century teaching and learning initiatives that contribute to the student experience and academic success. The need for adaption and change will not end with the pandemic. That is why we selectively embrace technology and new ways of thinking about learning and student success. The aim is to provide our students with rich, varied and rewarding educational opportunities.

This past year we have had a number of faculty members engage their students in creative ways. We are pleased to showcase a few of our stories in this issue to share examples of technology-enhanced learning and some of the experiential education opportunities made available to students in the Faculty of Health.

As you read “Innovatus,” you’ll discover that experiential education can flourish online through role playing. You will see how a recent leisure activity, the escape room, can be transformed into a virtual learning experience; how videos can help relay health promotion messages; and how psychology students can learn that there is little to fear and much to learn from statistics.

Our faculty members are endlessly inventive, and their students are flourishing as a result. I am excited to share their innovations and their passion for teaching and learning with you. I hope you are as inspired as I am.