Air Canada puts all Rouge flights on hiatus. Click here for more York U in the news

Fred Lazar, associate professor at York University’s Schulich School of Business, was quoted in CBC News Feb. 4. Read full story.

41 Times People Learned Their Pets Were Smarter Than They Looked
York University Professor and Graduate Program Director in the Department of Psychology Suzanne MacDonald was featured in Bored Panda Feb. 4. Read full story.

Fast track back to normal depends on next few weeks of vaccination campaign, epidemiologists say
Seyed Moghadas, professor and graduate program director in the Department of Mathematics & Statistics, was quoted in the Washington Examiner Feb. 5. Read full story.

Transport Canada travel restrictions will hurt immigration to Canada, says lawyer
Bruce Ryder, associate professor at Osgoode Hall Law School, was quoted in Canadian Lawyer Feb. 4. Read full story.

Rooftop solar power is on the rise, but Canada has yet to embrace its sunny ways
York University Associate Professor Christina Hoicka was quoted in EQ International Feb. 5. Read full story.