Community Safety outlines the next steps in moving to Required Services during COVID-19

Image: CDC
An image of the COVID-19 virus. Image: CDC

Samina Sami, executive director of Community Safety, issues the following important notice to York University community members about moving to Required Services during COVID-19. There is a lot of information to digest and a link to the full explanation for each area is provided in this communication:

To help ensure the health and safety of our campus communities, support government directives and help prevent the risk and spread of COVID-19, York University has moved to delivering Required Services only on our campuses.

The purpose of this communication is to provide the York community with further information regarding the specific steps and procedures needed for the University to move to a Required Services status.

Given the amount of information that you need to be aware of, please go to where you will find detailed the following information:

  • Building access arrangements
  • Compensation
  • Course completion
  • Health, safety and well-being
  • Information Technology resources
  • Parking
  • Pension and benefits
  • Research
  • UIT and telecom
  • Working remotely