Update to time: Undergraduate Research Fair celebrates student research, Feb. 27

Undergraduate students will showcase their research Feb. 27 at a unique experiential learning opportunity at York University designed to engage them in academic literacy. Note: there has been an update to the time of the event, and it will now run from noon to 2:30 p.m.

During the Undergraduate Research Fair, student researchers will have the opportunity share their research and win a monetary award or an invitation to revise their presentation as an article for publication in Revue YOUR Review, a refereed e-journal published by York University Libraries.

Participants at the 2017 Undergraduate Research Fair

This pan-University event, now in its seventh year, is co-sponsored by the Libraries and the Office of the Vice-Preside Research & Innovation (VPRI). It aims to focus on multidisciplinary undergraduate research.

Students selected to participate will share their work by designing a poster and presenting the results of their research to the York community in a friendly, cross-curricular environment.

As in previous years, the Scott Library Art Walk exhibit leading to the fair will display student art and design work, and a reception will follow the fair.

Undergrad students who have created a piece of artwork for a 2016 York credit course may apply to have their work displayed along the Art Walk during the fair. One artwork submission will be chosen to grace the cover of the e-journal associated with the fair, Revue YOUR Review (York Online Undergraduate Research).

Applications are now closed for both undergraduate student research submissions and for the Art Walk.

The York University community is welcome to attend this showcase of undergraduate research and art being held at the Scott Library Collaboratory from noon to 2:30 p.m. Students will show their research in the form of poster sessions presented in a friendly, marketplace-like environment.

For more information on the event, visit the Undergraduate Research Fair website.