York University remains open, all classes that can continue will continue

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The Senate of York University held its 643rd meeting of Senate on Thursday, March 22. During that meeting, it addressed hortative motions on the status of classes on campus. The following is a message to the York University community on those motions.

York University remains open and classes that can continue will continue, as they have since the strike by CUPE 3903 began on March 5.

We recognize and value the varied opinions of members of the York University Senate, which conducted a vote on the following two hortative, non-binding (advisory) motions at its meeting on March 22:

  1. Senate, in conjunction with Senate Executive, has the authority to direct and determine that classes be suspended on the basis of academic integrity. (Vote 82-45 in favour.)
    2. It is the opinion of Senate that all classes on the Glendon campus should be suspended for the duration of the CUPE 3903 strike. (Vote 57-45 opposed.)

While respecting the views of those who supported these motions, all classes that can, will continue. We believe it is in the best interests of our students to continue to keep the University open. Almost 55 per cent of courses at the University have continued during the strike.

Plans to allow students to successfully complete their year, and accommodations for students whose classes have been cancelled or who chose not to cross picket lines, will continue to be developed and announced by Senate Executive.

Nothing is more important than our students and their success. This has guided every decision we have made since negotiations with CUPE 3903 began last fall and throughout the current strike.