Making language immersion fun for the kids

York University psychology Professor Ellen Bialystok was quoted in the New York Times Dec. 26, 2014. Read full story.

NHL arena, York campus top Markham news stories in 2014
York University President and Vice-Chancellor Mamdouh Shoukri was mentioned in the Markham Economist & Sun Dec. 31, 2014. Read full story.

We need new thinking to meet Canada’s new challenges
Eugene Lang, BMO Visiting Fellow and interim co-director of York University’s Glendon School of Public and International Affairs, wrote a story in the Toronto Star Dec. 25, 2014. Read full story.

City and suburbs: six decades of unity and division
York University Professor Roger Keil was quoted in the Toronto Star Dec. 20, 2014. Read full story.

Complaints against federal judges usually handled in secret
Osgoode Hall Law School Professor Allan Hutchinson was quoted in the Toronto Star Dec. 29, 2014. Read full story.

DeGroote falls short in bid to retain MBA Games title
York University’s Schulich School of Business was mentioned in the Hamilton Spectator Jan. 5. Read full story.

Celine Cooper: What can the U.S. really learn from Canada on language policy?
York University Professor Eve Haque was mentioned in the Montreal Gazette Jan. 5. Read full story.

Opinion: Health Canada fails to enforce its own rules on pharmaceutical advertising
York University Professor Joel Lexchin co-wrote a story in the Montreal Gazette Jan. 5. Read full story.