York faculty and staff web page refreshed to reflect the University’s web standards

York faculty and staff are getting a web page that has been adapted to the University’s new web template.

The refreshed Faculty and Staff web page will be available on Wednesday. It contains all the existing content from the original web page, but mirrors the look and feel of Current Students web page. The changes have been made in order to create a more cohesive online experience.

Faculty and staff will notice minor alterations to the actual content including a link to the ASKHR site, which offers a database of the most commonly asked questions about Human Resources.

“The look of the Faculty and Staff web page was refreshed to provide a more cohesive online experience,” says Robin Edmison, associate director, marketing & creative services, Communications & Public Affairs. “It was redesigned according to the University’s new web standards. Information about the new web standards is available in the Brand Toolbox located on the Communications & Public Affairs website. Under ‘web standards’.”