Submit your nominations for the 2011 President’s Staff Recognition Awards

This is a friendly reminder that nominations are currently being accepted, paper and online, for the 2011 President’s Staff Recognition Awards.

Nomination files will be accepted until Friday, Feb. 17 at 4:30pm. This is a long-standing annual tradition that allows our York University community the opportunity to recognize colleagues, staff and administration for their commitment to the University. With five different awards categories, it’s easy to find a suitable candidate!

  • The Ronald Kent Medal – awarded to an individual who goes above and beyond, and who promotes collegiality.
  • The President’s Leadership Award (formerly the President’s CPM Award) – awarded to an individual who takes on leadership roles in promoting collaborative effort and a sense of collegiality across the University.
  • The Voice of York Award – awarded to a front-line individual who deals with difficult situations pleasantly and effectively.
  • The Deborah Hobson York Citizenship Award – awarded to an individual who possesses a record of highly developed service to students either directly, or through support to others with direct responsibility to student service areas.
  • The Phyllis Clark Campus Service Award – awarded to an individual who demonstrates initiative in contributing to sustained improvements in one of the campus or plant service areas.

If you know of a deserving York employee, visit the President’s Staff Recognition Awards website for additional information on criteria for each award, as well as links to online nomination forms.

All other questions can be addressed to Jodi Tavares at