President Emeritus H. Ian Macdonald honoured by land use society

President Emeritus H. Ian Macdonald was awarded the President’s Award of Recognition from the Simcoe Chapter of Lambda Alpha International: The Honorary Society for the Advancement of Land Economics for his contribution, through academic and public service, to land economics in Canada. The award was presented to Macdonald during a ceremony held in January at the University Club of Toronto.

Left: H. Ian Macdonald

An economist and academic who has held senior posts in the Ontario government, Macdonald was York University’s third president & vice-chancellor, serving from 1974 to 1984. Currently, he is the program director of the Master of Public Administration Program at York’s Schulich School of Business.

Among his many honours and awards, Macdonald has received a Rhodes Scholarship, Vanier Medal for Public Service, Citation of Merit from the Court of Canadian Citizenship, Award of Merit from the Canadian Bureau for International Education, Governor General’s Medal, Commemorative Medal for the 125th Anniversary of Canadian Confederation and Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal. In addition, Macdonald is an officer of the Order of Canada and a Knight of Grace of the Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem.

Lambda Alpha International was founded in 1930 under the leadership of land economist Richard T. Ely. As an honorary society, it provides a forum for the study and advancement of land economics where the "winnowing and sifting" of ideas takes place in an atmosphere of mutual respect.

Individuals who have made notable contributions to the study and ethical practice of land use are invited to join Lambda Alpha International. Now numbering more than 2,000 members worldwide, Lambda Alpha International is an apolitical not-for-profit professional organization.