You’re invited: York launches its 50th-anniversary fundraising campaign

You’re invited to a celebration of the largest campaign raising funds for faculty and student support in York’s history.


The York University Foundation is hosting an event on Friday, Oct. 20, to celebrate York to the Power of 50 – York’s 50th anniversary fundraising campaign to increase student access and achievement; to build our academic talent pool of research leaders and innovators; to create the infrastructure for innovation; and, to develop pioneering programs.

Join York President and Vice-Chancellor Lorna R. Marsden and Paul Marcus, president and CEO of the York University Foundation, on Oct. 20, from 1:30 to 2:30pm in Scott Library, second floor.

Light refreshments will be served, generously provided by Sodexho Canada.

Drop by to learn more about York to the Power of 50 and enter for your chance to win one of 50 USB keys or the grand prize of a gift certificate to Fairmont Hotels & Resorts, valued at $1,000.

RSVP by Oct. 13 to