Making it easier to pay for school

It’s easier than ever for students to get help to pay for university.

Recent changes to the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) mean more students qualify for provincial grants and loans. As well, York offers bursaries, scholarships, jobs on campus, and research and graduate assistantships in addition to OSAP to ensure that those students who qualify receive optimal financial assistance.

In March, the Ontario government announced the Student Access Guarantee to ensure students in need have access to the resources required for direct education costs (tuition, books and mandatory fees). OSAP grants and loans have increased to low- and middle-income students. Parental-income limits have almost doubled, so more students are eligible for OSAP. Students eligible for OSAP can receive combined federal and provincial grants to cover tuition up to $6,000. And book allowances have increased by 54 per cent.

York’s Student Financial Services in collaboration with York Admissions has launched a new Pay for School Web site and published a brochure, titled “Making It Easier to Pay for School“, explaining OSAP changes and guiding students through the process of applying for OSAP and finding other sources of financial aid. Student Financial Services is also offering workshops to explain what’s available and how to apply.

“It’s not too late for students to apply to OSAP for 2006-2007.  We are urging students to apply for government assistance and to complete a Student Financial Profile in order to be considered for York-specific student bursaries or other financial assistance. Students are encouraged to seek out every opportunity for funding support from the variety of sources available to them,” says Joanne Duklas, University registrar.

In 2005-2006, York awarded $49.5 million in scholarships, awards and bursaries and paid $57 million in wages and earnings to students. Over the next three years, more will be added to the financial assistance commitment.

For a listing of York University scholarships, bursaries and awards, visit the online scholarship search site.

Visit the Student Financial Services Web site for online applications for undergraduate student bursaries; information about awards for students in Graduate Studies, at Osgoode Hall Law School and Schulich School of Business; and events such as workshops and seminars about student financial assistance.