Get well, stay well – at York

The Wellness Centre at York University, in collaboration with the Confidential, Professional & Managerial Employees Association at York University (CPMEA), is holding the second annual York University Health and Wellness Week from Monday to Friday, May 3 to 7.

During this week, members of the York community will have the opportunity to learn about and experience a variety of health- and wellness-related services and activities. Among the many activities to be offered will be yoga classes, meditation sessions, and lectures on nutrition, exercise and active living, tai chi, and Chinese medicine.

Note: Registration is required for yoga sessions. If you will be attending yoga, please wear comfortable clothes, and bring a yoga mat or large towel. This is very important.

  • Click here to view a full schedule of events in PDF format.
  • Click here to view an event flyer in PDF format.
  • Click here to view “The Bottom Line on Workplace Wellness at York University,” by Dr. Joseph Levy. Levy is director of York’s Wellness Centre for Active Living and a professor in the Atkinson School of Health Policy and Management.

If you would like more information about the event, contact Naomi Gold,, ext. 39355.

Health and Wellness Week is being held in partnershipwith the York University Staff Association, Vanier College and CMPEA.