Rape defence course offered

York’s Department of Security Services is holding a 12-hour Rape Aggression Defence (RAD) course for women only, on Wednesday and Thursday from 10am to 4pm in room 101, Calumet College. For a fee of only $10, participants will receive tips from some of the University’s RAD-trained staff members.

The RAD system provides women with basic information on personal safety, awareness, risk reduction and avoidance, as well as on the basics of hands-on defence training. This system makes use of easy, effective and proven self-defence or martial arts-based tactics that do not require any special skills.

The unique aspect of the RAD course is the fact that participants have the option of trying out their newly-acquired defence skills in a controlled simulation attack. One of the instructors wears a heavily padded suit and participants are subjected to a simulated attack, at which time participants have a chance to practise the skills they have just learned.

The RAD system is currently taught in over 250 colleges and universities throughout the United States and Canada and is the largest women’s physical defence program of its kind in North America. There are currently over 3,000 instructors worldwide and over 200,000 women have completed the RAD course.

Registration for the course is at the Security Office, room 227 William Small Centre, next to the parking office. For further information on the course, e-mail rad@yorku.ca or visit Security Services.