Hampton shoots holes in Tories’ platform at Ice Gardens

At Beatrice Ice Gardens at York University, NDP Leader and former hockey pro Howard Hampton donned his skates and hit the ice to shoot holes in the Tories’ privatization plans, reported Canadian Press Sept. 23. He pledged to give Ontario a public auto insurance system and keep the province’s education, hydro and health systems in public hands if he wins on Oct. 2, said CP. The campaign stop at York was also reported on Toronto radio news programs on CFTR and CBC.

The future of work

Ron Burke, a professor of organizational behaviour at York University’s Schulich School of Business, says he finds it curious that Canadian human resource managers predict that employees will place less emphasis on security and compensation and more on lifestyles 10 years from now, reported The Globe and Mail Sept. 24. “I don’t understand that. It doesn’t fit with anything I have ever read,” Burke said, commenting on a survey conducted for the Globe that polled 522 HR managers. “I’m skeptical about their predictions on the lifestyle front, because there are people today – for better or for worse – who are choosing to work harder, more hours and more jobs. You have to make hay while the sun shines…. It’s inconsistent with people saying they want a lifestyle. The cost of not working hard now has never been greater.”

On air

  • Stephen Gill, political science professor in York’s Faculty of Arts, discussed US President George Bush’s appeal to the UN to help with the reconstruction of Iraq and the Iraqi governing council’s new rule allowing for foreign ownership except of oil, in a feature aired Sept. 23 on CBC Radio programs across Canada.
  • Election analyst Patrick Monahan, dean of York’s Osgoode Hall Law School, discussed the 2003 provincial leaders’ debate on “VR Land News” (CKVR-TV), Barrie, Sept. 23.
  • Daniel Drache, senior research fellow and associate director of York’s Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies, analyzed the provincial leaders’ debate on a panel on “OMNI News” (OMNI.2), Toronto, Sept. 23.