Kim Clijsters is No. 1 women’s tennis player

Toronto dailies and broadcasters trumpeted the news: Belgian Kim Clijsters is the world’s No. 1 women’s tennis player. Newspaper coverage Aug. 13 of the Rogers AT&T Cup at York University featured interviews in The Toronto Sun and the National Post with the bubbly Clijsters, and in the Toronto Star with WTA chief executive officer Larry Scott. Newspapers also focused on the advancing Jelena Dokic and Mary Pierce. Radio stations in Toronto covering the tennis tournament have included CJCL, CFRB, CBC, CFTR and CHUM, and TV stations with an eye on centre court have included Rogers, CFTO, CKVR and OMNI.

York lounge converted into pasta jewelry studio

For most of the year, the lounge at York University’s Vanier College is frequented by students for study and chatter between classes. But during the summer, the lounge is transformed into a meeting place and cafeteria for the 80 children, aged eight to 14, who attend the York Youth Connection day camp run by the University, reported the Toronto Star Aug. 13. On the day the Star reporter visited, children were smearing blue paint on pieces of dried pasta to be strung on colourful necklaces during a camp art class.

Hamilton Ti-Cats need new stadium to make money

If the new owners of the Hamilton Tiger-Cats want to turn the money-losing franchise into a money-making venture, they’ll need a new stadium, a York University marketing professor told Hamilton’s The Spectator Aug. 13. “Every team in the east is burdened by playing in the wrong stadium,” said Don Thompson, of York’s Schulich School of Business. “Until you get a new stadium in Hamilton, I just don’t see the team as a money-making proposition.” The stadium’s failings include its lack of luxury boxes, inconvenient location, outdated facilities and lack of parking. “Ivor Wynne Stadium is just old and tired and needs to be replaced,” Thompson said.