York’s Oldtimers no slouches!

President Emeritus Ian Macdonald reports that the York University Oldtimers captured the championship at the 26th Annual University Faculty and Staff Ice Hockey Tournament in Guelph on Feb. 20 and 21. York won each of its five games in the Round Robin Tournament, spearheaded by goaltender Peter Keir (School of Kinesiology and Health Science) who gave up only eight goals.

Having played in all of the York Oldtimer games over the years, Macdonald opted for coaching the team this year, although he did make a guest appearance in the final game once the championship had been clinched.

This was the sixth championship for York in the six-team tournament (York University, McGill University, Lakehead University, University of Waterloo, Wilfred Laurier University and University of Guelph) and its first since 1991.