Synopsis of the York University Senate meeting

At its 494th meeting held on Dec. 12, 2002, the Senate of York University:

  • Elected by acclamation, as recommended by the Senate Executive Committee:
  • Professor Asgar Ally to a vacancy on the Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning;
  • Professor Derek Cohen to a vacancy on the Senate Committee on Admissions, Recruitment and Student Assistance;
  • Approved on consent, as recommended by the Senate Committee on Admissions, Recruitment and Student Assistance:
  • changes to the admission requirements for the Graduate Program in Theatre;


  •  noted a report for information from the Senate Committee on Admissions, Recruitment and Student Assistance on:
  • approval of new awards and changes to existing awards;
  • approved, as recommended by the Senate Committee on Research:
    • the continuation of the Centre for Public Law and Public Policy for a period of six years with a full review to take place during the academic session 2007-2008;
  • noted a report for information from the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Academic Standards on:
    • recently completed Undergraduate Program Reviews for Philosophy Programs and the Post-RN Honours Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program;
    • final 18-month report on the completed Undergraduate Program Review for the Administrative Studies Program within the Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies.

The complete text of the minutes is posted on the University Secretariat Web site at For further information on any of these items please contact the University Secretariat.

Next Senate Meeting:

4pm, Thursday, Jan. 30, Senate Chamber