Spirit soars

York will get a major injection of school spirit at annual Homecoming celebrations this year with the launch of the York is U campaign to build pride in York.

While spreading the word about the University’s history of firsts and accomplishments, the York is U crew (some of them pictured below) will also be leading efforts to instill awareness in all community members – students, faculty, staff and the administration –  about the importance of campus safety and the social and ecological environment.

“Be aware of and take ownership of your surroundings,” said campaign Chair Jeremy Greenberg.  “We need to take care of each other and of the natural ecology on campus to really benefit from our experience here, and we plan to spread the word, particularly among newcomers, so they feel welcome and comfortable in the pursuit of their education.”

Membership in the York is U campaign is now at 500, and members have been actively involved in this year’s Frosh orientation for new students, and the Yorkfest welcoming concert. At Homecoming, they will be leading the charge in the York is U, You are the Cure cancer walk, and rousing troops to cheer on the York Yeomen football team at the annual game.

York is U is planning its own events in the new year, including a Multicultural Week to celebrate the diverse culture on campus, and a festival for York’s 42nd birthday.
The group is involved in improving the visibility and use of garbage recycling units on campus. It has also formed a “green” committee to educate the community about re-cycling and about the natural flora and fauna on campus and how to respect and enjoy nature’s balance.

For a listing of York is U activities and events check their Web site: www.yorku.ca/yorkisu  For further information, please contact: Jeremy Greenberg at