Böhme’s award mass-ive

Canadian Research Chair in Chemical Mass Spectrometry Diethard Böhme has been chosen as the recipient of this year’s Canadian Society for Mass Spectrometry (CSMS) Frederick P. Lossing Award in recognition of his “distinguished contributions to mass spectrometry in Canada”.

The award will be presented to him at the annual Tandem Mass Spectrometry Workshop at Lake Louise, Alberta in December.

In brief, Böhme’s research involves applying mass spectrometry to the analysis of chemical and biological activity important on Earth and in space. He hopes the versatile analytical technique will shed new light on the physical structure of biological systems, perhaps opening up possibilities in biotechnology.

Some of Bohme’s other honours include the following: A.P. Sloan Fellow, Rutherford Memorial Medal in Chemistry, Royal Society of Canada, Noranda Lecture Award for Physical Chemistry (The Chemical Institute of Canada), A. von Humboldt Research Award, Killam Research Fellow, and J.C. Polanyi Award, Canadian Society for Chemistry.