Ask HR Web Page

Ask HR Web Page

Get answers to work and personal life events. This PRASE and Human Resources (HR) collaborative initiative has resulted in the creation of an extensive database of York Human Resource content, which is now available at your fingertips:

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Current top questions on ASKHR

  1. How do I request an absence or record exception time using the Time Reporting Tool?
  2. Where can I find job postings at York?
  3. How many vacation days do I get?
  4. How long will my e-learning account be available to me?
  5. How much does WSIB pay?
  6. Who qualifies as a dependent under our sick leave program?
  7. Does the Tuition Fee Waiver cover all fees charged to the Student’s Account?
  8. How many sick days do I get?
  9. What is the time frame for completing an e-learning course?
  10. How is my retirement benefit calculated?

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