50 Years in the Faculty of Arts: A Retrospective has been extended

50 Years in the Faculty of Arts: A Retrospective has been extended until April 3. The exhibit is currently underway in the AKASA Gallery on the secnd floor of the Student Centre, Keele campus. The gallery is open Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm.

The retrospective is in celebration of York’s 50th anniversary, as well as to honour and remember the Faculty of Arts before it becomes part of the new Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (see YFile, March 23).

Submissions for the photo exhibit came from professors, student clubs, past issues of YFile, Excalibur, the former Gazette newspaper and Profiles magazine, and the Faculty of Arts Web site, including its various programs. Items were also pulled from the U50 History Web page on the U50 Web site as well as from York University’s 50th Anniversary Photograph Collection on YorkSpace, put together by staff of the Clara Thomas Archives & Special Collections.

There is everything from photos of the Keele campus before anything was built to pictures of the founding master of McLaughlin College George Tatham, York’s founding president & vice-chancellor Murray Ross and founding dean of the Faculty of Arts John T. Saywell, as well as photos of the colleges, the demolition of the Ross Building ramp and the collapse of the two-tonne ceiling in the Curtis Lecture Hall.

Those unable to attend the retrospective at the AKASA Gallery can view the exhibit online starting May 1 through the 50 Years in the Faculty of Arts: A Retrospective Web site. It will not only show the entire retrospective, it will also capture some of the many items that didn’t make it into the gallery.