NOASH Week: Avoiding slips, trips and falls

Avoid, slips, trips and falls by reporting any slippery surfaces, ensuring power cords are not left hanging or suspended and keeping walkways and floors free from hazards (e.g. boxes, tools, equipment, and etc). It is important to wear appropriate footware suited to the weather conditions and/or the requirement of the work area. Always be alert and aware of your surroundings.

Take a selfie and show us how your work area is free from slip, trip and fall hazards and enter the Health, Safety and Employee Well Being (HSEWB) Unit’s Selfie Contest.

Employee engagement in their local Joint Health and Safety Committees (JHSCs) activities is a key factor in creating a healthy workplace. Get to know the local JHSC members by visiting JHSC Website.

If you are interested in joining your area committee, speak to your management supervisor and/or union (if applicable).

For more information, contact HSEWB at