York University faculty members will be able to take bootcamp and webinar sessions offered by the Globally Networked Learning Project this summer. The sessions are designed for faculty members, as well as library and IT staff, who wish to mount or provide support for internationalized courses and classrooms at York.
The bootcamp and webinar, taken together, will provide a deeper understanding of how to effectively develop partnerships, curriculum and pedagogy, as well as how to integrate various forms of technology for globally networked learning (GNL) courses. All bootcamps and webinars will be co-facilitated by John E. Fowler (former assistant director, Center for Collaborative Online International Learning), Lisa Endersby (educational developer from the Teaching Commons at York U), Dominique Scheffel-Dunand (GNL project AIF lead) and the GNL Project team.

Dominique Scheffel-Dunand

Lisa Endersby

John Fowler
“The summer 2017 bootcamp and webinar sessions will serve as preparatory training for faculty members who are embarking on the path of globally networked learning – either by reimagining their existing course(s) or designing a new one(s) by including GNL activities – and for library/IT staff who are poised to provide research and technological support for these new courses," said Scheffel-Dunand. "The more participation we have from all three groups in the development stage of the project, the better prepared we will be to implement and troubleshoot challenges before 2018."
The Globally Networked Learning Bootcamp Sessions
"Developing Effective Partnership and Pedagogy for your Internationalized Classroom" is designed to support faculty members and IT/library staff, who wish to incorporate GNL into either existing or future courses and/or other research, or support research/IT support for GNL courses. In the day-long workshop, we will briefly cover what GNL is and discuss its relevance/importance for current and incoming students at York; provide tools and strategies for effective collaboration with faculty/non-academic researchers with whom York U instructors may wish to design a GNL course/module; and review case studies/models of effective pedagogy and curriculum design for an internationalized classroom. Facilitators of the bootcamp will ensure that the session is interactive and that participants gain the step-by-step guidance they need to embark on their GNL project.
"Developing Effective Partnership and Pedagogy for your Internationalized Classroom" will take place on Monday, June 12, from 9:30am to 4:30pm at DB 1014 (formerly TEL Building) at the Keele campus, and on Tuesday, June 13, from 9:30am to 4:30pm at YH A214 at Glendon. Lunch will be provided for all participants.
The Globally Networked Learning Webinar Session
"Integrating and Innovating Technology for your Internationalized Classroom" is designed to support faculty members and IT/library staff who wish to learn how to incorporate various forms of technology into an existing or new course as a way to internationalize their curriculum and classroom. In the webinar, we will review: the range and effect of various forms of technology for different courses/ projects; the pedagogical considerations of diverse technology; opportunities and challenges faced by GNL instructors in integrating different technology in other universities; and how to gain technology support and skills at York University as faculty members. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with facilitators of the webinar in real time and have their questions and concerns addressed.
The webinar will take place on Thursday, June 29, from 10 to 11:30am. Instructions for logging in are available on the GNL website at gnl.info.yorku.ca. It will also be recorded for those who are unable to participate on the day of.
About the Globally Networked Learning Project
Globally networked learning (GNL) refers to an approach to research, learning and teaching that enables students, faculty and non-academic researchers from different locations around the world to participate in, and collaborate on, knowledge-making processes and concrete research projects. The GNL Project at York is funded by the Academic Innovation Fund (AIF). To learn more about this exciting York University initiative, and to follow the GNL Project as it develops, visit gnl.info.yorku.ca.