Notice to faculty and staff: The bookstore needs your textbook and course kit orders

May is here and the York University Bookstore needs to get the final course materials for the summer term. If you haven’t done so, faculty and staff are asked to submit textbook and course kit requests for summer 2015 courses as soon as possible.

Textbook orders can be sent to the bookstore buyers in person, via phone, email or through the PDF form available on the Faculty & Staff link available on the York University Bookstore website. The bookstore pages have been updated to assist faculty and staff. The buyers are standing by and ready to help.

Keele campus textbook buyers: Five buyers are located at York University Bookstore. Alan Madsen can be contacted at ext. 40730 or Pat Armour can be reached at ext. 20945 or Frank Ennis can be contacted at ext 40747 or Martha Lunderville can be reached at ext 40747 or Terry Khemrajsingh (responsible for course kit orders) can be contacted at ext. 40702 or

Glendon campus texbook buyer: Martha Lunderville is located at the Keele campus bookstore four days a week, and on Tuesdays at the Glendon campus bookstore on the lower level of York Hall. She can be contacted at ext 40747 or .

Course kits: To develop customized course kits, visit the Copyright Clearance Centre, which is now located at 163A Central Square, inside Printing Services. For general information on course kits, phone ext. 40049. The course kits general email address is